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Turkish PM Seeks Apology From Armenian President

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  • Turkish PM Seeks Apology From Armenian President

    AK Group

    Hudson New York
    July 29, 2011

    Recent remarks by the Armenian leader about "Western Armenia," an
    area now in Turkey, were not suitable for a statesman and president,
    the Turkish prime minister said Wednesday, demanding an apology.

    "The statements of the Armenian president are not an expression or
    an approach that suits a president. Equipping the next generations
    with hatred and enmity does not suit statesmanship," Prime Minister
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan said while visiting Azerbaijan.

    Over the weekend, Armenian President Serge Sarkisian called on Armenian
    youth to enable the return of "historic territories in Western Armenia"
    that are currently found in eastern Turkey, as his generation had done
    with the contested territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, sparking outrage
    from the Turkish side.

    "How will the future of Armenian youth be? Possibly dark in this
    course. They will look at the incidents with these dark glasses,"
    Erdogan said. "They should definitely know that there is an occupation
    in [Nagorno-Karabakh] and the occupiers are evident. Not only we say
    this, the United Nations also says this. This needs to be resolved."

    Erdogan's visit to Azerbaijan took place upon an invitation from
    President Ilham Aliyev. During his trip to Baku, the Turkish prime
    minister was accompanied by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Energy
    and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yıldız and Economy Minister
    Zafer Caglayan.

    A flashpoint of the Caucasus, the region known as Nagorno-Karabakh is
    a constituent part of Azerbaijan, occupied by Armenia since the end
    of 1994. While internationally recognized as Azerbaijani territory,
    the enclave has declared itself an independent republic, but is
    administered as a de facto part of Armenia.

    "It is the Armenian side whose approach has been unfavorable up until
    this moment. Azerbaijan has consistently put forth a constructive
    approach. [Saying] 'Now that you have taken over Karabakh from us,
    you will handle [Western Armenia] yourselves when we die.' What kind
    of reasoning is this?" Erdogan said. "How could one transmit such a
    mentality, such a direction, such horizons to the youth? What does
    this mean? 'Behold, our youngsters! From now on, Armenia can enter
    war with Turkey as it sees fit.' We reject all this. There is no such
    statesmanship, no such diplomacy."

    "Sarkisian has committed a very serious mistake here. He has
    highlighted and affirmed a historic mistake. He must apologize and
    backtrack from his mistake," Erdogan added.

    The Turkish Foreign Ministry on Tuesday also condemned Sarkisian's
    remarks, which the Armenian president made during a contest on
    Armenian literature and language. Erdogan held a two-hour one-on-one
    meeting with Aliyev in Zagulba Palace to dicuss bilateral relations,
    particularly military, commercial, economic, social and cultural
    issues, as well as regional problems.

    "We had the opportunity to discuss what kind of steps we can take
    in the future," Erdogan said after the meetings, underlining the
    importance of the Turkey-Azerbaijan High-Level Strategic Council,
    which he said would hold its first meeting in Turkey. Referring to
    an agreement related to the shipping of natural gas between the two
    countries, Erdogan said relevant officials would convene Thursday
    and work on some articles.
