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Store Owner Wins Opening Round with Arabkir Tax Inspectors

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  • Store Owner Wins Opening Round with Arabkir Tax Inspectors

    Store Owner Wins Opening Round with Arabkir Tax Inspectors

    Grisha Balasanyan

    15:14, July 30, 2011

    Earlier this month, Hetq wrote about the plight of Gagik
    Hambardzumyan, a small store owner, whose small convenience store had
    been padlocked by Arabkir tax officials (Tax Officials Padlock Store
    After Owner Complains to Hetq)

    That same day, Hambardzumyan's troubles began when local tax
    inspectors charged him with not supplying a sales receipt to one of
    their operatives. The store owner filed letters with the Appeals Board
    of the State Revenue Committee and with the head of the Arabkir Tax

    Today, Hambardzumyan received the 3 page decision of the Appeals
    Boards nullifying the earlier charges of the Arabkir Tax Authority
    that led to a decision to close the store for five days starting on
    July 7.

    The store owner confesses that he is somewhat shocked that the Appeals
    Board has decided in opposition to the Tax Authority inspectors and
    says that Hetq's coverage of the matter surely had a role to play.

    "I really can't explain their decision because, in all honesty, I
    wasn't all that hopeful. But, it goes without saying that the tax
    inspectors operated in a manner that seriously violated the laws. It
    would be great to see this as an example of how things can be in this
    country if the laws work for those who are innocent and can prove it,"
    said Hambardzumyan.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress