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BAKU: Russia Seeks Karabakh Solution To Rescue Armenian Statehood

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  • BAKU: Russia Seeks Karabakh Solution To Rescue Armenian Statehood

    June 2 2011

    News.Az interviews deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee
    for defense and security of Milli Majlis, political scientist Aydin

    What has been the cause of appeals of the Minsk Group co-chairing
    presidents in their latest statement to the Karabakh conflict parties?

    It is worthy to note that over the past two years the similar
    statements have come not only from the representatives of the Minsk
    Group co-chairing states but also from the heads of those states.

    Additionally, it has already been over two years that the head of one
    of the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, namely the Russian president,
    is taking a direct part in the meetings of the presidents of Azerbaijan
    and Armenia. These facts prove that the meetings between the heads of
    Azerbaijan and Armenia have moved to a qualitatively new format. All
    the same, the joint statement of the Minsk Group co-chairing presidents
    prior to the meeting of the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia in
    June of this year in Kazan shows that the organization of discussions
    between the leaders of the conflict parties should not be viewed as
    an initiative of only the Russian party. In other words, this fact
    demonstrates the attention paid to Karabakh conflict by the United
    States and France.

    Also earlier the co-chairs were voicing diplomatic appeals to the
    parties, while now they recommend to the parties to prepare main
    resolution principles for the Karabakh conflict. For this reason, the
    conflict parties will have to come up with a definite stance. In this
    view, I believe that this position must be clarified by the parties in
    the meeting in Kazan. It all suggests that the parties can reconcile
    their positions in the problem settlement while meeting in Kazan.

    Were the appeals contained in the declarations of the Minsk Group
    co-chairs addressed mostly to Azerbaijan or Armenia?

    Naturally, this declaration is made in a diplomatic tone and it does
    not specify names. But it is clear that when the liberation of lands
    is at issue, every appeal in statements is addressed to Armenia. On
    the other hand, For Armenia is a strategic ally for Russia, unlike the
    United States and France. For this reason, considering this factor, it
    is necessary to take into account that Russia urges its ally to avoid
    future mistakes by signing the joint declaration of the presidents.

    The occupation of Azerbaijani lands brought nothing positive to
    Armenia. It is left out of all regional projects, this country
    cannot take part in events and projects, implemented in the region
    by Azerbaijan, the main state in the South Caucasus.

    The state inside Armenia is worsening over this as well as due to other
    reasons. The recent estimates show that in the event of prolongation
    of the status quo around Karabakh conflict, the Armenian population
    will drop to just 1m people by 2010. It will lead to the collapse
    of the Armenian state. Considering all these factors, the co-chairs
    diplomatically urge Armenia to think seriously of the future of
    the country.

    Can the activeness of the Russian party in Karabakh settlement change
    the status quo in this conflict?

    While earlier Moscow was just trying to show its presence in
    international and regional affairs despite its presence in Karabakh
    process, now it is interested in the meetings between Azerbaijan
    and Armenia. For this reason, on the one hand, Azerbaijan is growing
    into one of the closest allies of Russia in the region. Therefore,
    Moscow does not want to lose its contacts with Baku and is showing
    a greater interest in Azerbaijan's strengthening year by year.

    As for relations with Yerevan, given the historical ties between
    Russian and Armenian peoples, Armenia's weakening causes the weakening
    of Russia's positions in the South Caucasus. Therefore, Russia seeks
    to obtain guarantees to the further existence of Armenia through the
    soonest solution to the Karabakh conflict and on the other hand it
    tries not to spoil relations with Azerbaijan. However, it should be
    noted that undoubtedly, the equal approach to conflict parties is
    not helpful to the problem settlement, but Russia is interested in
    solving it. Thus, the resolution of the Karabakh conflict for Russia
    means reduced tensions in its southern borders and protection of its
    interests in this region.

    How can Russia influence Azerbaijan and Armenia to reach a compromise
    in Karabakh settlement?

    Russia's potential to influence Azerbaijan lies in creation of ally
    relations with Baku. This influence can be made within the framework
    of friendship, ally relations and presence of mutual interests. As
    for possible influence on Azerbaijan, it is out of the question.

    As for Armenia, one of the Russian leaders described this country
    as Russia's outpost. For this reason, Russia can put pressure and
    influence Armenia in many cases.
