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PFA Holds Reception On May 28

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  • PFA Holds Reception On May 28

    Thu, Jun 2 2011

    WASHINGTON-On May 28, Policy Forum Armenia (PFA) held a reception
    on the occasion of the independence of the First Armenian Republic
    (1918-20) at the historic University Club of Washington. The event
    served as the first in a series of introductions of members of
    the Sardarapat Movement's Initiating Group-film director Tigran
    Khzmalyan and informational technology expert Garegin Chugaszyan,
    who are visiting Washington at the invitation of PFA-to the Armenian
    community and policy circles in the nation's capital.

    In his keynote address, Dr. Rouben Adalian, the director of the
    Armenian National Institute, stressed the importance of the Battle of
    Sardarabad for preserving culture and identity, and regaining statehood
    in those darkest of times in the history of Armenia. As improbable
    as it seemed at the time, he noted that the success in Sardarabad
    became an important milestone for measuring successes of the future.

    Khzmalyan emphasized the need for continuing the fight for
    independence, amid the worsening governance in and external
    dependence of Armenia. Stressing that independence should not be
    taken for granted, he called on Armenians worldwide, irrespective
    of party affiliations and geography, to help regain Armenia's true
    independence-one that will guarantee dignity, freedom, and prosperity.

    Recalling Yeghishe Charents' poems written at the dawn of the First
    Republic, Chugaszyan reminded participants that the foundations for
    a strong statehood lie in people's unconventional love towards their
    country at the most desperate of times. He referred to the dark winter
    of the third Armenian republic, which will undoubtedly end soon and
    be followed by the spring of the forth republic to come.

    In his closing remarks, David Grigorian, PFA's co-founder, called on
    community members to intensify their search for new ways of engaging
    with Armenia by focusing on civil society groups, such as Sardarapat,
    who are on the forefront of the battle for democracy and a stronger
    Armenia. He stressed that the existing mechanisms have offered little,
    if any, incentives for the successive ruling regimes in Armenia to
    reform and do better, emphasizing the need to scrap them in exchange
    for new models of engagement that will have allegiances to the people
    of Armenia (as opposed to their rulers) in their core.

    Discussions between members of the Sardarapat Movement and stakeholders
    will continue through Thurs., June 2, to give an opportunity to share
    their views on the ongoing political and economic crisis in Armenia
    and offer ways forward.

    PFA is an independent professional non-profit association aimed at
    strengthening discourse on Armenia's economic development and national
    security, and through that helping to shape public policy in Armenia.

    Its main objective is to offer alternative views and professional
    analyses containing innovative and practical recommendations for
    public policy design and implementation. Through its activities,
    PFA aims to contribute to the creation of an informed public and a
    more effective and accountable government. PFA's main asset is its
    worldwide network of professionals and leaders in their respective
    fields dedicated to Armenia.

    The founders of PFA write: "We created the Sardarapat Movement as
    our answer to the 'Armenian Question.' We, the men and women of the
    Republic of Armenia-Karabagh War veterans, school teachers, economists,
    human rights activists, and artists-came together in late 2010 to
    resist the ongoing political and economic crisis, to build a country
    that generations of Armenians have dreamt about, a country of freedom
    and social justice, of equal rights and responsibilities, a country
    of hope and opportunities for each and every Armenian worldwide. We
    realized that citizen-oriented domestic policies and independent
    foreign policy are far too important to be trusted to the current
    illegitimate ruling regime. That is why we decided to take charge
    now, just as we did 20 years ago, when we rose and won the war for
    Karabagh against all odds; and just like our ancestors did 90 years
    ago, by pushing back the advancing Turkish armies in the Battle of
    Sardarabad. There were no political parties involved then, no regular
    army to speak of, and not a state in charge-just the free will of free
    people of Armenia, Armenians, and non-Armenians alike. The name of
    our movement thus bears a direct reference to the Sardarabad victory,
    a critical turning point of our modern history."

    "Indeed, today's Armenia is facing a new Sardarabad: The nation is
    divided by terrible polarization and injustice, when people are
    deprived of their basic rights of free vote and independent due
    process; when a handful of corrupt individuals has 'privatized' the
    heritage of generations and bargains with adversaries on the terms
    equivalent to conceding our independence and our victories. The
    Sardarapat Movement stands for strong and vocal Armenia-centric
    foreign policy, and against any territorial concessions in Karabagh,
    which would be equivalent to jeopardizing safety of people who live
    there and the security of the country as a whole. No reconciliation
    with Turkey is possible unless Ankara accepts its responsibility for
    the genocide and takes credible steps for addressing its implications.

    On the domestic front, we believe that our economy can no longer be
    held hostage to a few oligarchs, while the overwhelming majority
    of the population is humiliated by poverty and unemployment. We
    have to rebuild a strong export-driven economy in Armenia instead of
    maintaining the current deeply flawed model of overreliance on foreign
    transfers and import. Thousands of small- and medium-sized businesses
    should sprawl where at present a few monopolies choke the economy. We
    have to cherish our land and use its agricultural potential properly,
    no matter if it is in Armenia proper, Artsakh, or the liberated
    territories. In rebuilding our economic potential we have to rely
    on all of our resources, first and foremost, on the human capital of
    those in Armenia and the diaspora. Together we can achieve a lot.

    Together we will."

    For more information, visit
