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Negotiations on Karabakh reached Kazan

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  • Negotiations on Karabakh reached Kazan

    WPS Agency, Russia
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    June 3, 2011 Friday


    by Sokhbet Mamedov, Yury Somonyan
    Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, May 31, 2011, p. 6
    [translated from Russian]

    PRINCIPLES IN JUNE; Azerbaijan and Armenia took the joint statement of
    presidents of Russia, US and France Dmitry Medvedev, Barack Obama and
    Nicolas Sarkozy about resolving of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    released in Deauville positively. The document contains a call for all
    participants of the negotiation process to take "decisive actions for
    peaceful regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on the part of
    all its participants" and expresses a hope that this will happen in
    June at a meeting of presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia in

    Azerbaijan and Armenia took the joint statement of presidents of
    Russia, US and France Dmitry Medvedev, Barack Obama and Nicolas
    Sarkozy about resolving of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict released in
    Deauville positively. The document contains a call for all
    participants of the negotiation process to take "decisive actions for
    peaceful regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on the part of
    all its participants" and expresses a hope that this will happen in
    June at a meeting of presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia in

    In their joint statement presidents of Russia, US and France say,
    "Further waiting will only cause doubts about decision of the part of
    these countries to sign the agreements." Thus presidents of the
    countries of the Minsk group of OSCE hope that significant progress
    will be achieved already in Kazan where the leaders of Russia,
    Azerbaijan and Armenia are going to meet.

    Commenting on the Deauville statement at the solemn reception timed to
    the Day of the Republic last weekend President of Azerbaijan Ilham
    Aliyev said, "In this statement there are thoughts that the matter
    should be settled soon. We also advocate this and Azerbaijan is the
    party most interested in the soonest settlement of the matter. Both in
    official statements and at conducted negotiations we frequently
    expressed our opinions and apprehensions with regard to the fact that
    we could not allow the Armenian party to draw out negotiations
    artificially and to make the process of negotiations endless."
    According to him, there are no contradictions in the Helsinki final
    act between the principles of territorial integrity and
    self-determination of nations. The leader of Azerbaijan explains, "On
    the contrary, priorities of the principles are listed there, the right
    of a nation for self-determination should not infringe on the
    territorial integrity of the countries and this is the only formula
    for regulation of the conflict."

    In his statement Ilham Aliyev has emphasized once again: the stance of
    Azerbaijan is that territorial integrity of the country should be
    restored and refugees and forcefully relocated people should return to
    their homes.

    Yerevan evaluated the joint statement of the presidents positively
    too. In its statement the Foreign Ministry of Armenia emphasizes
    adherence of the republic to "exclusively peaceful resolving of the
    conflict between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh." Armenia provided a
    clear answer to the option of the main principles as the basis for
    negotiations on resolving of the conflict proposed by the co-chairs.
    In his statement the Foreign Minister of Armenia says, "If Azerbaijan
    provides its definite agreement, it will be possible to achieve
    progress in the regulation process. It is obvious to whom the call
    voiced in the statement is addressed."

    Despite the declared readiness of the parties for resolving of the
    conflict it is obvious that it will be more difficult to do this than
    to declare. It is clear that both parties have seen in the joint
    statement of the leaders of Russia, US and France primarily what is
    suitable for us. The Azerbaijani party saw a message about territorial
    integrity and the Armenian party saw solving of the problem by a
    peaceful way alone and the right of a nation for self-determination.

    Thus, positions of the countries are far from adjustment still. Along
    with this, these are end goals of Baku and Yerevan. However, at this
    stage the parties speak about the basic principles and in case of
    agreement on them it is possible to try to move further. It is
    difficult to forecast if this will happen in Kazan or later because
    the negotiations are secret. So far, it is encouraging that despite
    the belligerent statements Baku and Yerevan that responds in the same
    tone is not interested in restarting of hostilities in reality.

    Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, May 31, 2011, p. 6

    From: A. Papazian