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Italy's Lamberto Zannier May Become OSCE New Secretary General

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  • Italy's Lamberto Zannier May Become OSCE New Secretary General

    Italy's Lamberto Zannier may become OSCE new Secretary General

    June 7, 2011 - 16:58 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - After Turkey's opposition to the nomination of
    former Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik for the post of
    Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation
    Europe (OSCE), Lithuania, which holds the rotating chairmanship in
    the organization, has nominated head of the UN Mission in Kosovo,
    Italy's Lamberto Zannier to the post.

    The election requires a consensus among members, while Lithuania
    is trying to reach an agreement before Frenchman Marc Perrin de
    Brichambaut's second three-year term as OSCE secretary-general ends
    June 30.

    Other candidates included Portugal's Joao Soares, the former head of
    the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and Turkish diplomat Ersin Ercin.
