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ISTANBUL: Ten tasks for Turkey's new government

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    Ten tasks for Turkey's new government
    by Hugh Pope*

    New cities, high-speed trains, suspension bridges, airports, tax
    holidays, a `crazy' grand canal parallel to the Bosporus waterway,
    iPads for all -- the campaign trail ahead of Turkey's June 12
    parliamentary elections is strewn with promises of great times coming.

    Resolution of vexed questions in the domestic and foreign policy
    sphere has been relegated to the list of things `to be done after the
    election.' These more mundane challenges will, however, resurface as
    soon as the political class gets back to work.

    So, based on the Crisis Group's four years of reporting in Turkey --
    and not counting the many challenges of the country's booming economy,
    or what its external partners should also do -- here are 10
    outstanding diplomatic and political tasks that we think should be
    tackled with determination by the new Turkish government.

    1. Relaunch Turkey's EU accession process

    The EU's internal divisions and some European politicians' hostility
    to Turks joining the club have done much to harm the EU's appeal in
    Turkey. Indeed, the fact that Turkey's EU membership negotiations in
    progress since 2005 have virtually ground to a halt has barely been
    mentioned in the election campaign. But Turkish (and European) leaders
    should remember that if there is one single factor that makes Turkey
    stand out in its troubled region, it is the country's convergence with
    Europe - arguably nearly two centuries old, but treaty-based for
    nearly 50 years. EU standards are the locomotive of Turkish reform,
    some four million people of Turkish origin live in Europe, half of
    Turkey's trade is with Europe, most tourists to Turkey come from
    Europe, NATO is the cornerstone of Turkish defense and two-thirds of
    Turkey's foreign investment comes from EU states. Turkey and Europe
    shared many of these fundamental interests for decades, and the two
    sides stepped back from the brink with an attempt to restart the
    process in 2009. Yet Turkey's EU process is now hanging by a thread,
    since there are almost no negotiating chapters left to open. Turkey
    holds the key to unlocking EU blocks on at least eight of these
    chapters (see Cyprus below). EU politicians' talk of an alternative
    `Privileged Partnership' for Turkey seems empty, as the Crisis Group
    has argued. But with Europe distracted by its internal struggles, the
    idea is being pushed back on the agenda. The new Turkish government
    must proactively find a way to allow lifeblood back into the

    2. Fix Cyprus

    Ankara must refocus on the strategic goal it set itself in 2004:
    removing the Cyprus problem from the international agenda through
    achieving the reunification of the island. An easy first step is to
    implement the Additional Protocol, namely, opening Turkey's ports and
    airports to Greek Cypriot traffic, a commitment Ankara formally signed
    in 2005 as a condition for starting EU negotiations. The EU could have
    helped by allowing direct, preferential trade to Turkish Cypriots - as
    the Crisis Group pointed out here - but it did not, and Turkey's best
    interest is now to help itself. Implementing the Additional Protocol
    has no direct link to any Turkish position on a Cyprus settlement and
    serves a double purpose: freeing several blocked EU negotiating
    chapters, and helping to normalize relations between the Turks of
    Turkey and Greek Cypriots. As the Crisis Group argued in its 2011
    paper Six Steps to a Settlement, and on our blog, a mutual absence of
    trust between Ankara and Nicosia is the single biggest obstacle to
    reunification of the island. The new government would also do well to
    start a real, structured dialogue with Greek Cypriot officials to give
    a new impetus to ongoing talks to solve the Cyprus problem. Failure to
    achieve a compromise settlement will cause real damage, as set out in
    our 2009 report Reunification or Partition.

    3. Undertake broad, inclusive constitutional reform

    The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has promised a
    reformist, inclusive new constitution. As the Crisis Group detailed in
    its 2008 report on the Decisive Year Ahead, implementing AKP's ideas
    for a new constitution promised in the 2007 election campaign would go
    far to reduce ethnic tensions and modernize the way Turkey is governed
    (for instance, by removing ethnic attributes from Turkish citizenship,
    making Turkish the official and not the only recognized language,
    removing parliamentarians' immunity). EU-oriented reforms over the
    past decade have already changed about one third of the 1982
    Constitution, drawn up under military rule. The AKP has promised a
    whole new text. For it to stick, it must be the product of a genuine
    consensus, including the Kurdish national movement, not a top-down
    imposition. Changes must first reduce sources of domestic conflict,
    before trying potentially divisive new ideas like moving to a new
    presidential system. At a minimum, any marks of ethnic discrimination
    should be removed and freedom of expression further anchored. The idea
    of increased powers for local government, a main demand of many ethnic
    Kurds, is now supported by some opposition parties including the
    biggest Republican People's Party (CHP).

    4. Broaden and deepen reforms to solve the Kurdish problem

    The AKP's taboo-breaking 'Democratic Opening' to reach out to Turkey's
    approximately 15 percent Kurdish community, helped put a long-term
    settlement of the Kurdish problem within reach and will be the subject
    of a forthcoming Crisis Group report. As the strongest party to the
    conflict, the new government must broaden and deepen this initiative,
    offering permission to towns and villages to revert to their original
    names, more local government and the right to bilingual education. The
    AKP has scored genuine breakthroughs, prosecuting members of now
    inactive death squads, granting respect to Kurdish culture and
    embracing the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq (see the Crisis
    Group's 2008 analysis of Turkey and the Iraqi Kurds). Consequently, an
    apparent majority of Turkish Kurds no longer profess an ambition for a
    separate state in Turkey's Southeast, nor support the use of force by
    the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

    5. Sustain Turkey's engagement in the Middle East

    The revolts in the Arab world set back Turkey's hopes of rapid
    progress to a more stable, prosperous neighborhood, evaluated by the
    Crisis Group in its 2010 report Turkey and the Middle East: Ambitions
    and Constraints. But Ankara should continue to work towards Foreign
    Minister Ahmet Davutoglu's `zero problem' foreign policy goals: a
    better-governed, more interdependent region with more efficient
    borders, integrated infrastructure, visa-free travel and free trade.
    Turkey is too unique to be a one-size-fits-all model, as we pointed
    out here, but Ankara should continue to use its influence and
    experience where it can to urge regional regimes towards more
    representative government. It should also remember that it is the
    charisma, investment and higher standards that have flowed from the EU
    accession process that have helped Turkey rise above the troubles of
    the Middle East and made the country such an object of regional

    6. Seek chances to normalize relations with Israel

    A voyage planned by a new international flotilla to break the Israeli
    blockade of Gaza at the end of June will pose an early test for the
    new government. Turkish NGOs plan to participate in large numbers
    amongst the approximately 10 ships from around the world. Ankara says
    there is nothing it can do to stop them, but taking into account the
    risk of a repeat of the Israeli killing of nine Turkish members of
    last year's flotilla, the potential for further damage to Turkey's
    relationship with the US, Egypt's opening of its border with Gaza and
    Israel's partial lifting of its blockade, the government is showing no
    more inclination than in 2010 to participate directly in the flotilla.
    After the 2010 disaster, the Crisis Group detailed Turkey's
    miscalculations, and Israel's rapid use of deadly force in Turkey's
    crises with Israel and Iran, and we analyzed a pertinent UN
    investigation. Going forward, Turkey should seek chances to normalize
    relations with Israel in the consciousness that its international
    leverage is most effective when it has productive ties with all
    parties in the region.

    7. Seize any opportunity to normalize relations with Armenia

    Two ground-breaking protocols signed between Turkey and Armenia in
    2009 on normalizing relations, explained in our Opening Minds, Opening
    Borders, have floundered on a Turkish condition that Armenia first
    withdraw from at least some Azerbaijani territory occupied around
    Nagorno-Karabakh (see our blog here). Since then, a growing number of
    armed incidents, soaring military budgets and belligerent rhetoric
    threatens to trigger new conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as
    the Crisis Group recently warned in Preventing War. Disappointment in
    the failed protocols increases intransigence in Armenia, while better
    Turkish-Armenia relations could support conflict resolution. The new
    Turkish government should seize on any breakthrough to find ways to
    implement the protocols on re-opening the Armenian border and
    establishing diplomatic relations.

    8. Finesse the Aegean Sea dispute

    The new government can take bold steps to resolve Turkey's 40-year-old
    territorial disputes with neighboring Greece over the Aegean Sea.
    Ankara and Athens have done much to consolidate normalization since
    1999, as the Crisis Group detailed in 2007 in The Way Ahead. Official
    talks on the Aegean since 2002 now seem tantalizingly close to
    agreement. In private, both sides agree that the time has come to
    settle the dispute, especially since it is more psychological and
    political than real. As will be laid out in a forthcoming Crisis Group
    briefing, the new government can help by preparing the rhetorical
    ground for compromise, along with similar steps by Greece's
    leadership, which has an urgent interest in reducing defense spending.
    Turkey is far more powerful militarily and can help by eliminating
    Turkish military flights over inhabited Greek islands and
    demonstrating that theoretical Aegean disputes can be talked about
    rather than fought over.

    9. Seek long-term domestic improvements, prioritizing the judiciary,
    the education system, women's rights and freedom of expression

    In the first two terms in office, the AKP government, building on the
    work of its predecessors, registered remarkable progress. Torture
    almost disappeared from Turkish jails, single-party government brought
    more policy consistency and better municipalities have brightened the
    face of most Turkish cities. Looking forward, four more areas of
    domestic governance still need attention. Firstly, Prime Minister
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan has rightly made reform of Turkey's judiciary a
    major goal, and judicial publications are filled with articles by
    judges, prosecutors and lawyers about how to make the system work
    better. Secondly, UN indexes show Turkey's education system lagging
    behind Iran, Algeria and Tunisia and in need of a well-planned
    overhaul. Thirdly, Turkey must address its shocking neglect of women's
    rights - in 2010, it ranked 126th of 131 countries in the World
    Economic Forum's Gender Gap Report - and plug the legal, educational
    and policing gaps that result in 42 percent of women in the country
    experiencing physical and sexual abuse (according to the first
    comprehensive report on the issue by Hacettepe University in 2009).
    Fourthly, laws and regulations and judicial mindsets must be changed
    across the board to prevent ethnic groups, journalists or critics of
    the government from being jailed or prosecuted for the simple
    expression of peaceful opinions.

    10. Continue to widen democratic participation

    The democratic legitimacy of Turkey's elections make it the stand-out
    country in the region - ballot-stuffing, intimidation and violence are
    remarkably rare. Now it is time to raise the democratic level of the
    system itself, as set out in the Crisis Group's The Decisive Year
    Ahead. Political parties need to move to a system that is more
    bottom-up and less top-down, to end the scandalously low participation
    of women in politics and to encourage more young people to join
    parties and work their way up them. The 10 percent threshold for a
    party to win election to Parliament is by far the highest among the 47
    member states of the Council of Europe (double that of the next
    country, Germany's 5 percent threshold) and should be lowered.
    Finally, parliamentary regulations need to be reformed to allow more
    efficient legislation drafting and to win greater public trust in the
    assembly's workings.

    *Hugh Pope is Director of International Crisis Group's Turkey/Cyprus
    project and author of three books on Turkey, the Turkic World and the
    Middle East. This article was first published on the International
    Crisis Group Website,, on June 10.
