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Only Peace In Exchange For Peace: Karabakh Reiterates Return Of Terr

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  • Only Peace In Exchange For Peace: Karabakh Reiterates Return Of Terr

    By Naira Hayrumyan

    15.06.11 | 10:48

    The first phase of the Karabakh conflict settlement can be considered
    completed only if not only Armenia and Azerbaijan, but also the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic will give their consent to the Basic
    Principles, Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan stressed
    on Tuesday.

    Enlarge Photo Bako Sahakyan

    The second phase, said Nalbandyan, speaking at a joint press conference
    with his visiting Swedish counterpart in Yerevan, involves the
    development of an agreement on conflict settlement and Stepanakert
    must definitely take part in those negotiations.

    "The people of Nagorno-Karabakh are the masters of their destiny. This
    is the cornerstone of a peaceful settlement for us," stated Nalbandyan.

    In fact, the Armenian foreign minister said that the outcome of the
    meeting in the Russian city of Kazan of the presidents of Armenia,
    Azerbaijan and Russia slated for June 25 as well as the signing of
    the Basic Principles now depend on the opinion of Karabakh.

    President Bako Sahakyan stated that there can be no return to the
    past: the conflict with Azerbaijan can be resolved only one way - a
    legal recognition at the international level of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic's independent status.

    "This is the view of both the people and the government of our
    republic. There can be no talk about the return to the situation of
    1988 either in terms of the status or territories," said Sahakyan.

    Authorities in Azerbaijan have repeatedly stated that they will
    not agree on the independent status of Nagorno-Karabakh. However,
    a referendum on Karabakh's self-determination is one of the key
    points in the basic principles on the conflict settlement developed
    by the international mediators - the OSCE Minsk Group (co-headed by
    the United States, France and Russia).

    The Karabakh side has reservations regarding the OSCE-proposed
    document, said Karabakh Parliament Speaker Ashot Ghulyan. "We have
    reservations regarding the Madrid principles, but as this document
    and its elements often change, now it is very difficult to say in
    what state they are today and how far acceptable they are. Naturally,
    our position has not changed, we continue to have our reservations,
    but we also understand that currently on the table is a document that
    is of interest to the parties," said Ghulyan.

    For his part, Chairman of the NKR Public Council on Security
    and Foreign Policy Masis Mayilyan said that "perhaps some of the
    proposals would have proved relevant and appealing to the people
    of Karabakh 20 years ago." "But after the full-scale war unleashed
    by Azerbaijan against the population of Nagorno-Karabakh, after
    the death of thousands of people, ethnic cleansings, the armed
    occupation and material damage, offering an unclear interim status
    for Nagorno-Karabakh to the Armenian sides with the vague "expression
    of the will of its population" in return for a sharp decline in the
    level of its security and sovereignty is at least, not serious,"
    said Mayilyan.

    Only peace can be offered in exchange for peace, and not territories,
    emphasized Karabakh leader Sahakyan.

    Still in 2009 the civil society of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
    represented by leaders of nongovernmental organizations and public
    experts stated that the declarations of the mediators regarding
    a conflict settlement based on the so-called Madrid principles
    fundamentally contradict the interests of Karabakh and Armenia. "We,
    representatives of the NKR's civil society, regard the imposed
    settlement option as illegal, unjust, immoral and disastrous for the
    entire South Caucasus region," they said in their statement then.
