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Savages Are Bred In Us

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  • Savages Are Bred In Us

    Savages Are Bred In Us

    Story from News:
    Published: 16:28:27 - 15/06/2011

    Interview with Vazgen Ghazaryan, physicist, Candidate of Sciences

    Vazgen, political developments in Armenia are around the same people
    and forces. In your opinion, why new politicians are not born in 20
    years of independence?

    I agreeing but at the same time I disagree. Our political or even
    the social environment in reality gives birth to young forces and
    activists but the problem is that the majority of these "births" are,
    to put it mildly, imperfect and do not live up to the expectations
    of the circles who are concerned about this issue. Let me clarify
    that I mean the expectations of the circles concerned about progress,
    modernization, democratization and decriminalization and accordingly
    the young forces which are able and willing to transform the state
    and the society. In any environment, after making the bid, the force
    becomes a player which acts in accordance with the laws and tendencies
    of the given environment or has enough potential to resist to the
    environment's influence of neutralizing and sending to "idle mode".

    The first type is present in abundance, so the problem is the total
    lack of the second type of forces which are able to cancel the "idle
    mode" and awake the society from "numbness" and give new momentum
    to development.

    What causes this lack?

    The issue is highly complicated and multilayered because in order to
    understand it deeply it is necessary to try to understand in what
    environment we act and what are the laws of this environment which
    enable the members of the society to enter into politics and life. It
    is even more difficult to speak about the rules which make the society
    move, and I have no ambitions to make comprehensive judgments on this.

    As I said, the society, the system, functions of setting to "idle mode"
    are dominant in us. I think, generally it is expressed in the form of
    material dominance, lack of mental efforts, instincts, and a set of
    mingled habits which support them, which is excellent at preserving,
    fossilizing, reserving a certain state, minimizing external influence,
    both positive and negative. This system works under the principle of
    neutralizing external influence which is able to change the system,
    and if the latter is absent, it is almost unable to develop and change
    from inside.

    Such a system itself does not have a negative impact on the society
    because it has a regulatory importance but as soon as it becomes
    autocratic, it leads to stagnation.

    The other is the system of search for new and bold ways of
    development, development of abstract philosophical and theoretical
    mind, experimenting.

    The creative development and steady progress of the society requires
    balance between these two forces which cause the society to move
    forward, and regulate, stabilize this movement, which has lacked
    for centuries.

    You are describing an abstract model. What are its expressions in
    our everyday life?

    The examples are many. I said in my previous interview last year
    that our historical experience is wasted, and our lifestyle is an
    anachronism. It is connected with the abovementioned reflections
    and the mechanisms of functioning of forces leading to relaxation
    of our society. Relaxation itself leads to idleness of mind which
    is expressed through phrases like "do you need that?", "why are you
    focusing on it?", "just relax". These are dominant motifs ruling out
    any mental activity opposing to the material wellbeing.

    This constant craving for "safe and relaxed condition" and the
    absence of mental activity directed against it have perhaps caused the
    reality that the activities of Armenians worldwide have been limited
    to merchandising, an activity aimed at ensuring material wealth. Even
    here, holding all the strings of global trade, the Armenian system
    crashed as soon as the time of making mental effort came, and the
    medieval status quo stopped satisfying the global players.

    In a few years the entire Armenian trade network collapsed before
    calculated actions, and the astronomical capital accrued during
    centuries was wasted, bringing no development to us as a system,
    society, people. Historical examples are many. If necessity, it
    is possible to discuss them separately because they reveal serious
    civilization problems, connected with the expressions of independent
    or secondary thoughts in Armenia.

    I think everyone is aware of the dominating tendencies to use
    everything, every innovation, every achievement of science for material
    needs or instincts. I was shocked to discover that many young people
    refer to their Classmates page as internet, and refer to webcam as
    Skype. These are minor indicators though there are major and trite
    indicators and I think they are enough to show how low the absence
    of environment of mental activity may bring a member of the society,
    and how instinctive "nimbleness" can become a fighting national
    trait. All this is the result of the action of the abovementioned
    forces, more exactly, the absence of counteraction leading to balance.

    Why isn't this regulatory force shaped in our society?

    Because every system wishes to keep the previous state, the "stable"
    state. Of course, this is generally so. But in order to answer this
    question, one needs to understand how it appeared. I cannot give a
    complete answer to this question. I think every historical epoch
    left its trace and seal, becoming a hookup of tested habits and
    stereotypes but the main influence was, nevertheless, that of the
    soviet period because it operated a mechanism of negative selection
    which overlapped with the Armenian system's dominating motives of
    meeting material wellbeing and instincts, and started reproducing as
    an administrative system, hindering the appearance of an innovative
    mechanism or the development of the one in place.

    The highly-fossilized and eternally repeating ideology, turning into
    a mind-killing mantra, hindered the development of social science
    and other humanitarian and social sciences, dragging it behind world
    tendencies, and when it disappeared, it left behind absolute emptiness
    and total absence of guidelines, not enabling the educated layer of
    the society to orient in the changed reality and laid the basis for
    reoperation of instinctive habits refined through ages.

    Stalin's system based on KGB's intimidation made servility, cowardice
    and flattery guarantees of social and political career of a person,
    maximized the instinctive panicky thinking of sacrificing one's
    friend to save oneself. The social institutes pigeonholing everyone
    and uprooting every note of pluralism crashed free mental activity.

    This system baked through 1937, gulags and madhouses eventually shaped
    the post-soviet environment which still reproduces itself despite
    20 years of legal independence, gradually resembling the former
    soviet system of functionaries produced by student boards, trade
    unions, Communist party committee and provincial district committee
    secretaries. This negative selection gave birth to the system which
    we witness. This is the answer to the question why young politicians
    now are the way they are. And this is the answer to the question what
    news the nurseries like the young people's parliament break.

    The product of student boards and trade unions cannot be different.

    Meanwhile the regime is pushing forward these social climbers because
    those who disobey the system cannot be in the system.

    And if the only alternative offered by the social system to a person
    with normal education and mental activity who wants to have progress
    is these organizations, I think it is clear why the able forces become
    politically passive and mostly leave the country because they find
    no arena for activity and expression. It is difficult to blame them
    for failing to unite against the present-day "red army".

    Is only the Soviet to blame?

    Of course, not. There is also the savage street selection. This is
    already a profound problem of societies. A freak alone can prevent
    the progress of ten talented children. Unfortunately, this phenomenon
    is backed by our society's "mentality".

    There is a hypothesis that language was created by the weak to
    protect themselves from the strong. Gradually the "savage" genome
    was replaced, and those individuals isolated from the society became
    extinct, which marked the beginning of development of humankind. The
    opposite process seems to have started in us, when savages are bred.

    This is deeply opposed to the rules of a progressive, creative society
    because the "mechanism of security" of a separate individual has
    become dominant over the general security of the society.

    I believe this shows that the disastrous dominance of the instinctive
    system over mental activity leads to decay of the social system. This
    savage social "neurosis" is not only the result but also an obvious
    indicator of the crisis of "conservatism".

    In other words, our nation is not talented?

    Of course, not. The correlation of able people is almost the same
    everywhere. The problem is the environment necessary for progress. In
    our country, it is zero.

    Is it a matter of time or change of mentality?

    It is a matter of making mental efforts, as well as deep analysis
    and revelation of the causes, overcoming of systemic cowardice and
    most importantly the Soviet Russian servility, which would allow
    eliminating nurseries of functionaries and conformists.

    The problem is whether we will have the courage to condemn the
    past vicious systems. The first step towards problem solution is to
    acknowledge the existence of the problem.

    From: Baghdasarian