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Azeri Military Budget Exceeds Armenia's GDP, Says Co-Chairman

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  • Azeri Military Budget Exceeds Armenia's GDP, Says Co-Chairman


    Thursday, June 16th, 2011

    The European Parliament

    BRUSSELS-In line with the increased involvement in the neighboring
    countries, and the attention paid to the frozen conflicts in the
    Eastern region, the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign
    Affairs held a meeting on Wednesday June 15, with the OSCE Minsk
    Group co-chairs Ambassadors Robert Bradtke (USA) and Bernard Fassier
    (France) on recent developments in the negotiations process and on
    the current situation in Nagorno Karabakh.

    The Russian representative, Ambassador Igor Popov, did not attend
    the meeting due to the preparations for the Kazan meeting between the
    Armenian and Azeri presidents, Serzh Sarkisian and Ilham Aliyev. The
    negotiations have gathered a momentum, and it is likely that the
    upcoming meeting in Kazan (Russia) on June 25, will lead to a
    breakthrough, stressed Bradtke and Fassier.

    Each of the presidents explained the results they reached during the
    past 5 years, and focused on their respective country's involvement
    in the negotiation process. They both underlined that the OSCE
    Minsk Group is the best format to reach an agreement because of the
    efficiency, flexibility, taking quick and tough decisions and keeping
    the confidentiality.

    Ambassador Bradtke stressed that the EU Eastern Partnership is of
    great importance for the United States and for the long-lasting peace
    in the Caucasus. They invite the European Union to play a decisive
    role in consolidating peace by preparing the civil societies in
    both countries, promoting democracy and using all its policies as
    leverages. They also think that the EU has a role to play in demining,
    reconstructing, and peace keeping.

    Facing the harsh criticism by several MEPs regarding the status quo,
    Russia's interest in the region, and the course of the arms race, Mr
    Fassier confirmed the decisive role of Russia, emphasizing that it
    is not the only country supplying arms to the region. He mentioned
    that Azerbaijan will buy drones (pilotless spying airplanes); that
    every year the Azerbaijani military budget is growing by 20 to 30%,
    and compared to last year it has increased by 100%, exceeding the
    Republic of Armenia's entire GDP.

    The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy reiterates
    its call on to the OSCE to demand solid, non-aggression guarantees
    from the Azeri state prior to any further discussions relating to the
    Minsk Group agenda. Furthermore, the Federation considers that the
    future negotiating process must include the Nagorno Karabakh Republic,
    as a full-fledged party to the negotiations. The Azerbaijani security
    threats are first directed to the people of Nagorno Karabakh, who must
    have their independent say in the process and future determination
    of their state.
