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Garry Kasparov has a suggestion

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  • Garry Kasparov has a suggestion

    Posted, 06/17/2011

    Garry Kasparov has a suggestion
    By Fred Hiatt

    He is the greatest chess player of his generation, but when asked to
    predict Russian leader Vladimir Putin's next move, Garry Kasparov

    `When you play chess, you have rules,' Kasparov told a few of us
    during a visit to The Post Thursday. `He can change the rules whenever
    he needs.'

    Still, Kasparov isn't reluctant to offer sharply delineated views on
    Russia's future, and for a couple of reasons they command
    attention. His intellect is as formidable as you might imagine - he is
    probably best known in this country for taking on IBM's chess-playing
    computer more than a decade ago - but it's not just that. Kasparov is
    also far more charismatic than you might imagine, coming across as
    balanced, funny and very human. Given that chess champions are rock
    stars in Russia, he could have settled into an easy life of celebrity
    there. Or he could have joined the opposition to Putin's kleptocracy,
    as he has, but from a safe and comfortable apartment in London or

    Instead, he has maintained a life in Russia, where - given the grisly
    fate met by many journalists and human rights advocates - he lives
    with bodyguards and anxiety.

    He does not live without hope for Russia's future, however. And to
    that end, he came to Washington (meeting with executive and
    congressional officials) with three essential messages:

    First, the ostensible power struggle between Putin, now prime
    minister, and his hand-picked president, Dmitry Medvedev, is a
    sham. Putin pulls the strings. Americans, including the Obama
    administration, have been taken in by this shadow play, Kasparov says,
    which is useful for Putin - Medvedev gives the regime a friendlier
    face to the West - but essentially irrelevant.

    Second, Putinism is not working, and therefore its continuation is not
    inevitable. Despite being an oil exporter at a time of sky-high oil
    prices, Russia's economy is ailing. Capital is fleeing, infrastructure
    is decaying, and people are noticing.

    `I think the patience of ordinary Russians could be running out,'
    Kasparov said. `They can see that the one thing that's going up is the
    number of Russian billionaires on the Forbes list.'

    And having quarantined Russia from democracy movements that flared in
    Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, Putin now has to worry about
    infection from the Arab Spring. `Putin did everything to prevent an
    Orange Revolution, but now comes the ghost of Tahrir Square,' Kasparov

    Finally, the United States has at its disposal a practical tool that
    could help undermine Putin's hold on power - specifically, a bill
    sponsored by Maryland Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin that would ban visas
    for and freeze assets of Russian officials implicated in rank abuses
    of justice or abrogations of freedom inside Russia.

    `To outsiders, this may not seem like much,' Kasparov said. But it
    would undermine what Kasparov sees as the fundamental principle and
    purpose of Putin's regime: that officials who are loyal to Putin can
    accumulate assets and park them abroad - and that Putin can protect

    `If you are loyal to the boss, to the capo di tutti capi, you are
    safe, inside Russia and out - in Dubai, London, Lake Geneva,' Kasparov
    said. `If something happens to even a small group of these people, it
    will cause a dent in the monolith of power.'

    Putin has bought off and corrupted so many European officials that
    Europe will not act first, Kasparov said. But the United States could
    - and because Russian oligarchs increasingly are investing in the
    United States, U.S. action would make a big difference.

    `Don't tell me you don't have leverage,' Kasparov said.

    Your move, Congress.

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