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Azerbaijan uses any pretext to get rid of oppositionists

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  • Azerbaijan uses any pretext to get rid of oppositionists

    Azerbaijan uses any pretext to get rid of oppositionists

    June 17, 2011 - 20:34 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The chairman of Azerbaijan National Statehood (ANSP)
    opposition party Nemat Panahli has been sentenced to six years

    Another defendant in this case - Ceyhun Farzullaev was sentenced to
    four years imprisonment at the trial, held at the Narimanov District

    Baku resident Eldaniz Rzayev called the Interior Ministry's service
    102 and informed that Nemat Panahli and Ceyhun Farzullayev had
    threatened him on the Mirali Gashqai street of the Nizami district.
    Based on the complaint, the abovementioned persons were arrested.

    A criminal has been filed under the Article 221.3 (hooliganism
    committed with application of a weapon or subjects, used as the
    weapon) of the Criminal Code.

    Two months arrest as a preventive measure was taken with regards to
    Panahli and Farzullayev by the Nasimi District Court on Jan.10.

    According to the Interior Ministry, the investigation revealed that a
    dispute took place during a car purchase deal

    Rzayev, who was subjected to beating, bought a car from Panahli. On
    the day of the incident on the Mirali Gashqai Street, technical
    problems were identified in the car. Rzayev phoned Panahli and
    reported the problems. Panahli met Rzayev and as a result of a
    dispute, beat the buyer, according to Trend News.

    However, Panahli himself denies the accusations, stressing that the
    authorities are persecuting him for oppositon activities.

    ANSP leader failed to make it to Azerbaijani parliament at last year's
    elections. He accused the authorities of falsifying the votes, urging
    the public against acknoledging the legitimacy of the parliaemtn and
    acting authorities, reported.
