June 20, 2011 - 14:09 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has
launched an international campaign to rally support for the plight
of 34 million people displaced by violence worldwide, as millions
mark World Refugee Day on June 20.
The '1 Campaign' underlines a shared humanitarian belief that there
are no tolerable levels of suffering, recognizing that even one person
forced to flee war or persecution, is one too many.
"I am 1 Who Cares" can now be read on T-shirts, wristbands, pins and
caps of individuals showing solidarity with people in flight. The "1
campaign" also calls for action for asylum seekers and refugees. "Do
1 Thing" is the message that goes beyond the organizations usually
working for people with this predicament. It engages companies,
academia, creative individuals, ordinary citizens and Governments
throughout Central Europe.
Damtew Dessalegne, UNHCR's representative in Armenia, said the campaign
will last till the end of the year.
People can gift clothes or transfer money to aid refugees and also
prevent negative attitude towards displaced persons.
From: Baghdasarian
June 20, 2011 - 14:09 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has
launched an international campaign to rally support for the plight
of 34 million people displaced by violence worldwide, as millions
mark World Refugee Day on June 20.
The '1 Campaign' underlines a shared humanitarian belief that there
are no tolerable levels of suffering, recognizing that even one person
forced to flee war or persecution, is one too many.
"I am 1 Who Cares" can now be read on T-shirts, wristbands, pins and
caps of individuals showing solidarity with people in flight. The "1
campaign" also calls for action for asylum seekers and refugees. "Do
1 Thing" is the message that goes beyond the organizations usually
working for people with this predicament. It engages companies,
academia, creative individuals, ordinary citizens and Governments
throughout Central Europe.
Damtew Dessalegne, UNHCR's representative in Armenia, said the campaign
will last till the end of the year.
People can gift clothes or transfer money to aid refugees and also
prevent negative attitude towards displaced persons.
From: Baghdasarian