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Fresh attempt to end Nagorno Karabakh deadlock

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  • Fresh attempt to end Nagorno Karabakh deadlock

    EuroNews, France
    June 23 2011

    Fresh attempt to end Nagorno Karabakh deadlock

    23/06 12:45 CET

    The landlocked mountainous region of Nagorno Karabakh remains one of
    the frozen conflicts of post-Soviet rule. It declared its independence
    from Azerbaijan in 1991 leading to a bloody war with ethnic Armenians
    who make up most of the population of the enclave. Since a truce in
    1994 it has remained in an unsteady deadlock.

    Although most people there consider themselves Armenian, technically
    the province lies in the territory of Azerbaijan.

    Its independence has never been recognised by the international
    community and repeated diplomatic attempts to find a solution have so
    far failed.

    Three presidents are involved in searching for a solution: Medvedev of
    Russia, Sargsyan of Armenia, and Aliev of Azerbaijan. They last met in
    March and on Friday they will convene once more in the southern
    Russian town of Kazan, to attempt to break the impasse.

    Ahead of the meeting the Azeri and Armenian leaders shared their
    thoughts on the situation with euronews.

    Fresh attempts to broker deal of Nagorno-Karabakh
    Difficult diplomacy as Armenia and Azerbaijan talk Nagorno Karabakh
