May 3, 2011 - 14:26 AMT
International Energy Expert Myroslav Buryy said that the Armenian
Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (ArmSEFF), which started its
activity half a year ago, studies the possibility of financing 12
Armenian companies operating in various sectors of economy.
"Energy audit was conducted at six enterprises, during which free of
charge technical assistance was provided. Besides, preliminary analysis
is carried out in the rest companies," Buryy told a PanARMENIAN.Net
According to him, there are great opportunities for energy saving
in the food industry, field of services, processing industry, small
hydro power plants, biogas projects and private hospitals.
Anelik Bank is the first Armenian bank, with which the European Bank
for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has launched the Armenian
Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (ArmSEFF) to help Armenia
develop competitive private businesses.
$3mln was allocated to the bank for on-lending the energy saving
field. $20mln will be allocated within ArmSEFF, while $5mln will be
provided for the renewable energy sector.
Buryy added that another 2-3 Armenian banks will become partners of
ArmSEFF in 2011.
From: A. Papazian
May 3, 2011 - 14:26 AMT
International Energy Expert Myroslav Buryy said that the Armenian
Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (ArmSEFF), which started its
activity half a year ago, studies the possibility of financing 12
Armenian companies operating in various sectors of economy.
"Energy audit was conducted at six enterprises, during which free of
charge technical assistance was provided. Besides, preliminary analysis
is carried out in the rest companies," Buryy told a PanARMENIAN.Net
According to him, there are great opportunities for energy saving
in the food industry, field of services, processing industry, small
hydro power plants, biogas projects and private hospitals.
Anelik Bank is the first Armenian bank, with which the European Bank
for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has launched the Armenian
Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (ArmSEFF) to help Armenia
develop competitive private businesses.
$3mln was allocated to the bank for on-lending the energy saving
field. $20mln will be allocated within ArmSEFF, while $5mln will be
provided for the renewable energy sector.
Buryy added that another 2-3 Armenian banks will become partners of
ArmSEFF in 2011.
From: A. Papazian