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U.S. sanctions can't hamper Iran-Turkey relations, envoy says

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  • U.S. sanctions can't hamper Iran-Turkey relations, envoy says

    U.S. sanctions can't hamper Iran-Turkey relations, envoy says

    May 7, 2011 - 10:50 AMT
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    Sanctions imposed on Iran will do nothing to slow the country's
    growing trade and economic ties with Turkey, the Iranian envoy said,
    suggesting that the Turkish government will not give in to pressure
    from Washington.

    `We have been facing embargos for the last 33 years. We have increased
    our bilateral trade volume to $11 billion with Turkey and to $23
    billion with the European Union. These embargos have no meaning,'
    Iranian Ambassador to Turkey Bahman Hosseinpour told a group of Ankara
    bureau chiefs at a dinner, Hurriyet Daily News reported.

    `The Turkish government has already announced that it will only abide
    by the UN sanctions. Do you think Turkey listens whatever the U.S.
    says? No, it does not,' said Hosseinpour.

    Trade volume between Iran and Turkey could go up to $16 billion at the
    end of this year, ambassador said, noting that the figures from the
    first three months of 2011 have already shown a 70 percent increase.
    `The number of Iranian tourists to Turkey could also go up to 2.5
    million, as the number of Turkish investors in Iran increases,' the
    envoy said.

    `The groundbreaking ceremony of the joint customs gate at Esendere
    will take place in two months' time. Similarly we will also begin
    joint investments on oil fields,' Hosseinpour said. `This relationship
    between Turkey and Iran is irreversible,' he added. `It may slow down
    but won't be reversed.'

    From: A. Papazian