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Armenians of Cyprus to pilgrimage to Sourp Magar monastery

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  • Armenians of Cyprus to pilgrimage to Sourp Magar monastery

    Armenians of Cyprus to pilgrimage to Sourp Magar monastery

    May 7, 2011 - 10:57 AMT
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    The Armenian community of Cyprus is returning to the historic Sourp
    Magar (St. Makarios) monastery for the fourth time this year as a
    pilgrimage to one of the holiest shrines of the Armenian Apostolic

    The medieval monastery, that lies at the top of the Turkish-occupied
    Kyrenia mountain range, has fallen victim to looters since the war in
    1974 and all but the walls remain intact.

    The annual pilgrimage, taking place on May 8, 2011, is jointly
    organized by the Office of the Armenian Representative, Vartkes
    Mahdessian, and the Armenian Prelature of Cyprus, in close cooperation
    with the United Nations. Archbishop Varoujan Hergelian will officiate.

    Several hundred Armenians from Cyprus and abroad take part in the
    pilgrimage celebrated on the first Sunday of each May, as had been
    done for more than a century. The official commemoration mass took
    place at the Sourp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Church in Nicosia on Sunday,
    May 1, 2011, The FinancialMirror reported.

    From: A. Papazian