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S. Florida Armenian Community Commemorates 96th Anniv of The Genocid

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  • S. Florida Armenian Community Commemorates 96th Anniv of The Genocid

    May 6, 2011
    Contact: Administrator
    Email: [email protected]


    Boca Raton, FL - Last week, hundreds of members, friends and human rights
    activists from the South Florida Armenian American community commemorated
    the 96th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide at Florida Atlantic University

    This year's observance culminated the month long display of the 21-panel
    Armenian Genocide exhibition on loan to FAU Libraries from the Florida
    Holocaust Memorial Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida. The exhibition
    displayed the systematic murder of 1.5 million Armenians in Ottoman Turkey
    during World War I. The panels showcased photographs, quotes from witnesses
    and the history and legacy of the genocide.

    "It was truly inspirational to see South Florida Armenians from three
    generations come together to honor their fallen ancestors of the 1915
    Armenian Genocide,' stated Arsine Kaloustian-Rosenthal, Florida Armenians
    Public Affairs Director. `The importance of remembering, sharing of stories
    between families, and of course the FAU exhibit itself, stands in the face
    of genocide denial and advances the cause of genocide prevention,' stated

    Armenians around the world commemorate the genocide on April 24, when in
    1915 Ottoman Turkish authorities rounded up, arrested and murdered over 200
    Armenian intellectuals in Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey. Over 1.5
    million Armenian men, women and children perished in 1915-1923 in what
    historians recognize as the Armenian Genocide.

    Dr. Mary Johnson, Senior Historian with Facing History & Ourselves, and
    curator of the Armenian Genocide exhibit, served as Master of Ceremonies.
    Dr. Johnson opened the program with special thanks to Dr. Rose Gatens,
    Director of the FAU Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education. Dr.
    Johnson spoke about her experiences teaching the Armenian Genocide and the
    consequences of its denial.

    `The response of the Armenian community to the exhibition on the Armenian
    Genocide at Florida Atlantic University was incredible,' Dr. Johnson told `Visitors not only examined the panels and the narrative of
    the history but talked about the exhibition and its implications for today
    this ensures that the historical event will be remembered and future
    generations will continue to tell the story,' concluded Dr. Johnson.

    On behalf of St. David Armenian Church, Garen Kalender, Rita Vartanian and
    Kaliana Maronian presented traditional Armenian poetry. Mr. Albert Mazmanian
    offered remarks while his daughter Natalie recited her self composed poetry.
    A musical interlude was offered by local talents from St. Mary's Armenian
    Church, Sage McBride (violin) and Marineh Alikhnyn (piano) who performed the
    famous Armenian composition Groung by Komitas. A short screening from the
    upcoming film `Orphans of The Genocide' was also presented by south Florida
    film producers Bared Maronian, Bedo Der-Bedrosian and Paul Andonian.

    `Having the commemoration program and exhibition at FAU Library was a
    wonderful opportunity to teach others about the origins and the history of
    the Armenian Genocide, a major crime against humanity committed by Ottoman
    Turks at the dawn of the 20th Century,' stated V. Rev. Fr. Nareg Berberian.
    `We pray that the time will come when justice will be served and Turkey will
    acknowledge its history,' stated Fr. Berberian.

    V. Rev. Fr. Nareg Berberian of St. David Armenian Church and Rev. Fr. Vartan
    Joulfayan of St. Mary Armenian Church offered the memorial service for the
    victims of the Armenian genocide. The South Florida Armenian Genocide
    Commemoration was held under the auspices of St. David Armenian Church of
    Boca Raton, St. Mary Armenian Church of Hollywood, the Armenian Assembly of
    America, the Armenian National Committee and the Knights of Vartan.


    PR: 2011-001

    Photo Caption (L-R): Rev. Fr. Vartan Joulfayan, Dr. Mary Johnson, Dr. Rose
    Gatens, V. Rev. Fr. Nareg Berberian

    From: A. Papazian