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In Egypt, encryption for free speech

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  • In Egypt, encryption for free speech

    The Christian Science Monitor
    May 4, 2011 Wednesday

    In Egypt, encryption for free speech

    Whisper Systems donated its software to help Egyptian dissidents
    spread the word without the government listening in.

    by Ilana Kowarski Contributor

    It's easy to think of Silicon Valley and a rebel camp in Libya or
    Egypt as two separate worlds. But one technology start-up is
    determined to bridge them through software designed for pinstriped
    executives but perfect for pro-democracy protestors.

    Whisper Systems, a California company that specializes in data
    encryption, mostly caters to businesspeople with trade secrets. But
    when the Arab democracy movement ignited this year, the company handed
    out its security software to Egyptian protesters free of charge.

    The company's Android mobile phone applications RedPhone and
    TextSecure encode calls and text messages, protecting them from
    hackers, competitors - or in this case government surveillance.

    RELATED: The 10 weirdest uses for a smartphone

    Whisper donated this software for a simple reason: Founders Moxie
    Marlinspike (his official alias) and Stuart Anderson say they're
    committed to creating a world where people can discuss politics
    without fear of government reprisals.

    Just as new technology makes communicating around the world easier
    than ever, phones, e-mail, and websites make snooping a breeze as
    well. This year, Beijing began using cellphone GPS systems to track
    and suppress political demonstrations. A March raid on Egypt's state
    security headquarters revealed that former President Hosni Mubarak's
    regime closely monitored the e-mail accounts and text messages of
    known political activists.

    Such events underscore the privacy threats posed by digital
    communication, says Mr. Marlinspike, a programmer who publicly
    demonstrates such vulnerabilities at computer-security events such as
    the annual Black Hat Conference.

    "People think about the Internet as having this democratizing and
    horizontalizing effect," he says, "but the infrastructure itself is
    not horizontal or decentralized." Companies own the wires and servers
    that make up the Internet. "It is highly controlled by a small group
    of people."

    Troubled by the possibility that technology will empower Big Brother,
    Marlinspike and Mr. Anderson view encryption technology as a way to
    push back against government spying.

    That's why, when the Egyptian uprising broke out in January, Whisper
    changed its encryption scheme to work in the Middle East. For two
    weeks, the pair worked 10- to 12-hour days to ensure that their
    programs would be accessible to Egyptian activists during the
    government crackdown.

    Eager to assist democracy movements throughout the world, Whisper
    Systems wants to expand its humanitarian operations beyond Egypt and
    to provide its software to activists in nations like Belarus, where
    opposition movements have been forced underground.

    Most cellphones lack strong encryption, so dissidents take severe
    risks when they use them to communicate, especially in countries where
    antigovernment speech is criminalized, says Katrin Verclas, co-founder
    of MobileActive, a global network that uses cellphones for social

    Cellphone technology easily hacked

    Hackers have found many ways to break into the Global System for
    Mobile Communications (GSM), the network technology used by most of
    the world's cellphones, including those on AT&T and T-Mobile. Last
    year, coders released software capable of cracking the encryption
    algorithm used by many GSM phones, and in December a group of
    researchers in Berlin publicly demonstrated ways to eavesdrop on GSM
    calls with relatively inexpensive and unsophisticated equipment.

    While companies and academics work to plug these holes, Ms. Verclas
    says Whisper System's programs are particularly valuable since they
    provide high-quality encryption.

    "Usually, sending [a text message] is like sending a postcard. Your
    message is out in the open," she says. "Good encryption puts the
    envelope around the message."

    However, most encryption programs are so complex and obscure that many
    people don't bother using them. RedPhone and TextSecure are more
    intuitive than their predecessors, Verclas says, and thus more likely
    to be used.

    According to computing researcher Christopher Soghoian, the increased
    accessibility of Whisper Systems' software is critical for mass

    "Other encryption technology is not simple enough for my grandma to
    use, and that's a problem," says Mr. Soghoian, a graduate fellow at
    Indiana University's Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research.
    "Everyone is susceptible to the weakest link in the chain, and in this
    case, the weakest link is the person that isn't using the technology."

    In Soghoian's view, programs such as RedPhone and TextSecure are long
    overdue. "There are human rights activists for whom arrest is a
    routine part of their existence, and they are in desperate need of
    these technologies," he says.

    Armenian opposition leader and former ambassador to the United States
    Alexander Arzoumanian is one such activist. He says many like him
    would use Whisper Systems' software if they were convinced that it
    worked. Mr. Arzoumanian's yearlong imprisonment, based on wiretapped
    phone calls, has convinced him that encryption software could be
    invaluable for dissidents in countries like his.

    Arzoumanian describes Armenia as a place where spying is so pervasive
    that there is little, if any, distinction between public and private
    life. He says he is so accustomed to being monitored that he was not
    surprised when government officials released transcripts of his
    telephone conversations to the press, and his private communications
    were published.

    Protection from spies, in the form of encryption, would be a welcome
    change in Armenia, Arzoumanian says.

    "If people know they are under surveillance 24 hours a day, they are
    afraid to speak out," he says. "They hate the idea that someone is
    listening to them. It would be good to have places where people feel
    free to talk."

    Could encryption hinder activists?

    Not everyone is enthusiastic about activists' use of encryption
    software, including Gene Sharp, a Harvard University researcher who is
    widely considered to be the foremost expert on nonviolent revolutions.

    Mr. Sharp's seminal work, "The Politics of Nonviolent Action," has
    been used as a guidebook in many successful people-powered movements,
    including the Eastern European overthrow of communism and - more
    recently - the Egyptian protests that toppled Mr. Mubarak.

    Sharp believes that encryption might hinder activists more than help
    them. "Anonymous speech assumes fear and encourages fear, and fear is
    fatal for a strong movement of nonviolent struggle," he says.

    Because secrecy also limits the number of people who have access to
    knowledge, Sharp says it is an impractical tool for mass movements. He
    argues that the protests in Cairo earlier this year would not have
    attracted as many people or have been as effective as they were had
    they been organized secretly.

    According to Sharp, public and courageous protests like those in Egypt
    are the best way to destroy a repressive regime that relies upon fear
    for power. "There are situations where protesters have ... good reason
    to be afraid," he says, "But if you are trying to do more than save an
    individual, if you want to free an oppressed people, then you must be

    From: A. Papazian