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Freedom of press under attack in Turkey

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  • Freedom of press under attack in Turkey

    The Prague Post, Czech Rep.
    May 4, 2011

    Freedom of press under attack in Turkey

    Country has more journalists in prison than Iran, China
    By Alison Bethel McKenzie and Steven M. Ellis

    In a study released last month, the Organization for Security and
    Co-operation in Europe's (OSCE) representative on freedom of the
    media, Dunja MijatoviÄ , reported that 57 journalists are currently in
    prison in Turkey, mostly on the basis of the country's anti-terrorism
    laws. With 11 more Turkish journalists also facing charges, the total
    number could soon double the records of Iran and China, each of which
    reportedly held 34 journalists in prison in December 2010. Indeed,
    MijatoviÄ estimated that another 700-1,000 proceedings against
    journalists remain ongoing in Turkey.

    Such a situation is intolerable anywhere, but particularly in a
    democracy seeking European Union membership that recognizes freedom of
    expression as a fundamental right. Turkey's behavior thus calls into
    question not only its desire but also its ability to commit to the
    values underlying the EU.

    Journalists linked to Kurdish or Marxist organizations have regularly
    been targeted under Turkey's anti-terrorism laws, and the OSCE study
    found they have faced some of the harshest punishments. One Kurdish
    journalist was sentenced to 166 years in prison. Others currently face
    - wait for it - 3,000-year sentences if convicted.

    The relative lack of scrutiny of Turkey's treatment of journalists by
    many in the West has changed, however, owing to the recent waves of
    arrests in the so-called "Ergenekon" case. Numerous military officers
    and academics have been implicated in that case, which involves an
    alleged plot by secular ultra-nationalists to overthrow the Turkish
    government. The probe has now turned increasingly toward journalists.

    One of those accused of participating in the plot is the daily
    newspaper Milliyet's investigative reporter Nedim Sener, whose work
    includes a book about links between security forces and the 2007
    murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. The International
    Press Institute (IPI) named Sener a world press freedom hero in 2010.
    Incarcerated following his arrest last month, he reportedly stands
    accused of belonging to an armed terrorist organization seeking to
    overthrow the government.

    Another journalist under fire is Ahmet Sik, who already faced
    prosecution for co-writing a book criticizing the government's
    crackdown on the Ergenekon plot. Sik was said to be working on a book
    about the alleged influence of an Islamic group within Turkey's police
    force, which authorities last month ordered confiscated before it
    could be printed.

    A common thread in all of the cases targeting journalists is that the
    alleged facts are shrouded in secrecy, and the authorities have
    declined to release any evidence of crimes or criminal organizations.
    Worse still, they have declined even to inform those brought before
    courts - sometimes in secret - or their attorneys of the charges they

    Indeed, journalists caught in this Kafkaesque affair can expect to
    spend years behind bars before being allowed to respond to accusations
    against them. A climate of fear escalates with each raid and arrest.

    Meanwhile, Turkish authorities affirm the country's commitment to
    press freedom, even as they impugn the motives of those who exercise
    it. Given that so many journalists have been jailed, and that all of
    them have been critical of the government, it is difficult to avoid
    the conclusion that journalists are being targeted because of their

    Such concern has been voiced not only by press-freedom groups such as
    IPI and journalists, like the Freedom for Journalists Platform (an
    umbrella group representing Turkish local and national media
    organizations), but also by respected international institutions. The
    United States' Mission to the OSCE and the European Commission have
    joined MijatoviÄ in calling on Turkey's authorities to stop their
    intimidation of the media immediately, and to uphold basic OSCE media
    freedom commitments. The United Nations Office of the High
    Commissioner for Human Rights has called on Turkey to guarantee
    freedom of opinion and expression.
    Even Turkey's president, Abdullah GÃ l, recently called for
    "prosecutors and courts to be more diligent in pursuing their
    responsibilities, and to act in a way that does not harm the honor and
    rights of the people."

    Turkey plays a pivotal, bridge-building role between East and West,
    and the country has been praised for demonstrating that democracy can
    co-exist with Islam. But the arrests of so many journalists are
    eroding this image.

    The right of journalists to cover sensitive topics, including national
    security, is fundamental. Those who do not engage in criminal activity
    should not face arrest, imprisonment or any other form of harassment
    or intimidation for doing their job. Those accused of criminal
    activity must be given due process and a fair trial. Evidence must be
    provided, and the accused must be presented with the charges they face
    and the opportunity to defend themselves.

    Far from being defamatory subversives, journalists who investigate and
    criticize their government's actions demonstrate true patriotism,
    because no democracy can survive without the open and independent
    assessment of public policies that journalists provide. If Turkey, a
    major regional power with an ancient cultural heritage, truly wishes
    to be welcomed into Europe, to take its rightful place on the world
    stage, and, indeed, to remain a democracy, its leaders must not hold
    freedom of the press in contempt.

    - Alison Bethel McKenzie is director of the International Press
    Institute (IPI). Steven M. Ellis is IPI Press Freedom Adviser.
    Copyright 2011 Project Syndicate

    From: A. Papazian