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France will struggle against Armenian Genocide denial

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  • France will struggle against Armenian Genocide denial, Armenia
    May 5 2011

    France will struggle against Armenian Genocide denial

    May 05, 2011 | 15:28

    The French Government announced it will launch actions to struggle
    against denial of the Armenian Genocide.

    The corresponding circular will be sent to all prosecutors to
    `organize the punishment of crimes in which members of the Armenian
    community may become victims because of their origin' and `because of
    the fact that they survived the genocide,' said Justice Minister
    Michel Mercier, writes French Le Monde newspaper.

    French Senate rejected on Wednesday the bill penalizing denial of the
    Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire with 196 votes `against' and 74
    `for'. The bill was rejected after a heated debate between supporters
    and opponents.

    `We will remind of all criminal measures that may be applied,' said
    Mercier, stressing that based on law an action can be taken, since
    French law punishes any provocation to discrimination, hatred or
    racially motivated violence.

    From: A. Papazian