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BAKU: Baku responds in kind to Armenian criticism

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  • BAKU: Baku responds in kind to Armenian criticism, Azerbaijan
    May 5 2011

    Baku responds in kind to Armenian criticism
    Thu 05 May 2011 11:57 GMT | 14:57 Local Time

    A senior Azerbaijani official has dismissed accusations from the
    Armenian president that Baku is looking to start war over
    Novruz Mammadov, head of the international affairs department at the
    Azerbaijani Presidential Administration, said that Armenian President
    Serzh Sargsyan was giving misinformation when he claimed that Baku was
    protracting resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and seeking a
    pretext to resume hostilities.

    Serzh Sargsyan made the remarks at a press conference in Yerevan with
    visiting Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite.

    Novruz Mammadov told that it was Armenia that was dragging
    out the peace process, not Azerbaijan.

    `I believe Sargsyan's unrealistic statement is a part of the
    destructive and unscrupulous policies pursued by Armenia in the
    region. Whenever there are grounds to more forward on a peaceful
    resolution of the conflict, the Armenian side immediately resorts to
    machinations to thwart the negotiating process.

    `The fact is that in recent weeks the OSCE co-chairs and other
    interested international parties have noted the presence of an
    atmosphere conducive to promoting peace negotiations. The Armenian
    leadership is trying to exacerbate the situation and undermine the
    dialogue. Armenia does this whenever there are favourable conditions
    to solve the conflict."

    Mammadov commented on Serzh Sargsyan's role in the Armenian forces
    that fought in Karabakh.

    "It is lamentable that the Armenian leader speaks of peace when he
    personally participated in the occupation of Azerbaijani lands and now
    initiates military exercises in the occupied territories."

    `Sargsyan spoke about peacemaking at a time when Armenian snipers are
    deployed along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and front line, and
    after an Armenian sniper killed a 9-year-old Azerbaijani boy,'
    Mammadov said, referring to the death of Fariz Badalov, killed on 8
    March as he played outside his home near the front line.

    `Sargsyan dares to say that Azerbaijan makes belligerent and
    provocative rhetoric, creating tension,' Mammadov said.

    He thought that Sargsyan talked about bellicose rhetoric from Baku as
    the Armenian authorities feared possible war with Azerbaijan.

    `My long-term research has taught me that the key reasons for the many
    troubles facing Armenia and its authorities are that they are unable
    to analyse ongoing events in the world and region. This inability is a
    source of constant anxiety and uncertainty for them. It has even
    reached the point when Armenian leaders consider the continued
    occupation of Azerbaijani lands as normal and legal. This is despite
    the Armenian president having signed many international documents on
    the inadmissibility of occupation,' the Azerbaijani official said.

    "The tragedy of the Armenian side is that while continuing the
    occupation of Azerbaijani land, the leaders of Armenia shamelessly
    think it possible to talk about regional cooperation, peace and
    neighbourliness. The Baltic countries, as well as the president of
    Lithuania who is visiting Yerevan, are well aware that the occupation
    policy pursued by Armenia is a source of tension and conflict in the
    Caucasus. And they see that Armenia and its people are on the verge of
    poverty and collapse as a result of this occupation policy. Armenia is
    lagging dozens of years behind and this process continues.

    "The Armenian government is afraid that one day Azerbaijan will regain
    its occupied lands and Armenian leaders will be held accountable for
    their crimes and atrocities,' Mammadov said.


    From: A. Papazian