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Baku says it has action plan for Karabakh, and it is war?

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  • Baku says it has action plan for Karabakh, and it is war?

    Baku says it has action plan for Karabakh, and it is war?

    May 5, 2011 - 20:39 AMT
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    Novruz Mammadov, the head of the international relations department at
    the Azerbaijani President's Administration, said that Azerbaijan has a
    certain stance and action plan for the Karabakh conflict settlement.

    According to him, Baku `wants' to reach it peacefully, but will `use
    its right to the lands return if necessary.'

    Despite Mammadov's words, all the actions and statements of the
    Azerbaijani leadership indicate that Baku aspires towards anything but
    for a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

    With its warlike statements, the Azerbaijani leadership kills two
    birds with one stone. First, it continues inciting hatred towards
    Armenians among the Azerbaijani population, while Aliyev is able to
    unleash a new war to maintain power. Second, it is rather possible
    that these very threats prevent mediators from the final settlement of
    the conflict and make them to delay the process.

    On the other hand, the situation recalls a powder keg, which can
    explode any moment. The mediating superpowers, which currently are on
    the bit of Aliyev's presidential ambitions, may become tired of them
    one day and get rid of the Azerbaijani incumbent president to solve
    the Karabakh conflict finally.

    From: A. Papazian