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Vostanik Marukhyan: Microsoft Innovation Center' will show results

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  • Vostanik Marukhyan: Microsoft Innovation Center' will show results

    Vostanik Marukhyan: Creation of `Microsoft Innovation Center' to soon
    give the first fruits

    10:34, 5 May, 2011


    "Microsoft Innovation Center" will ceremonially open in the Armenian
    State Architectural University May 11. Armenpress news agency spoke
    with the rector of the University Vostanik Marukhyan about the program
    of creation of the center, its functions and future activities.

    - Mr. Marukhyan, how was the idea on creation of the center created
    and what opportunities will the activity of the center create?

    - Still in December 2009 agreement was signed between our university
    and "Enterprises Incubator Foundation". The both parties agreed to
    closely cooperate within the framework of the "Microsoft Innovation
    Center" program for creation of corresponding establishment in the
    University. It was expected that the center will promote the
    development of IT sphere in Armenia. I think it will also promote the
    formation of organizations dealing with innovations. The existence of
    the center will give an opportunity to prepare and train the professor
    staff dealing with the sphere, students, specialists of leading IT

    - Who can make use of the opportunities of the center?

    - The center will be open for all. It means that people who would like
    to deal with innovation and step in parallel to the development of the
    sphere can make use of the opportunities of the center. Naturally,
    first of all the students, professors of the University will be
    involved in the classes but we are ready to cooperate with other
    universities as well. The center will also become an arena for
    discussion of issues relating to the sphere. Seminars, meetings,
    special classes will be organized there.

    - What influence will the center have on the general study process of
    the University?

    - Naturally, the "Microsoft Innovation Center" will have essential
    impact on the University, regarding the organization of the study
    process in a new way. It will give an opportunity to invest new
    classes or amend the existing ones. Naturally, it will promote the
    improvement of the quality of studies. Together with the professor
    staff of the University we are planning to involve foreign specialists
    in the conduction of the classes. We are full of hope that the
    creation of this center, unique with its significance in the region,
    will very soon give the first fruits and will essentially promote the
    increase of potential of the staff dealing with innovations.

    - How will you assess your cooperation with the IT organizations?

    - We have rich traditions in this respect. Today we have partner
    relations with almost all organizations of the IT sphere in Armenia.
    We are actively cooperating with "Synopsys Armenia" company. The
    educational model of preparing high-level staff, collaboratively
    worked out academic plans and classes have become bright model

    - What success has the University achieved in preparing IT specialists?

    - We are preparing high-level specialists. Today our masters are
    teaching in India and United Arab Emirates. It is a serious
    achievement for us.

    The number 1 issue for us is the quality of studies. For ensuring it
    we must have high-level professor staff.

    From: A. Papazian