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President Conducts Consultation with Reprocessing Company Reps

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  • President Conducts Consultation with Reprocessing Company Reps

    RA President Conducts Consultation with Representatives of
    Reprocessing Companies

    17:13, 5 May, 2011


    RA President Serzh Sargsyan conducted today a consultation with the
    representatives of Armenia's reprocessing companies and the tax sphere
    at "Yerevan Beer" company. The gaps, issues in the sphere, the process
    of the works directed to the sphere development and the intended
    programs were discussed during the consultation.

    Gagik Khachatryan, chairman of the RA Government-Affiliated State
    Revenue Committee, said at a news conference, held after the
    consultation, that the representatives of the reprocessing companies
    were presented the intended tax reforms, directed to making the
    business sphere healthier and eliminating the existing obstacles. He
    says reforms are aimed at eliminating the issues in order the sphere
    representatives think of their business projects only and not some

    Gagik Khachatryan said one of the issues is the low level of direct
    taxes of the reprocessing companies. Another obstacle is the
    circulation of documents: "steps should be undertaken for facilitating

    According to Sergo Karapetyan, RA agriculture minister, it is
    necessary to build legal-agreement relations between producing and
    reprocessing companies to make clear the responsibilities and rights
    of the both sides. He said the consultation will give positive
    results. He added that low-level competitiveness of reprocessed
    products is the main obstacle for exportation. He says the capacity
    development of the existing companies and the increasing number of new
    companies will bring to rise in the level of competitiveness.

    According to Ashot Baghdasaryan, general director of "Yerevan Beer"
    company, the reforms in the tax sphere inspire hope. He said
    Government keeps the rural communities in the limelight. "The steps to
    be undertaken are proper, and the results will be evident," Ashot
    Baghdasaryan said.

    From: A. Papazian