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Hetq Denied Jail Visit to See Sarkis Hatspanian

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  • Hetq Denied Jail Visit to See Sarkis Hatspanian

    Hetq Denied Jail Visit to See Sarkis Hatspanian

    15:11, May 4, 2011

    Hetq`s request to visit written to visit Sarkis Hatspanian, a
    French-Armenian serving time in the Vardashen Correctional Facility
    for "false denunciation", has been turned down twice by the Department
    of Corrections

    We originally sent a written request to Minister of Justice Hrayr
    Tovmasyan. Our petition was then forwarded to the Department of
    Corrections and two weeks later we received a refusal letter from
    Arsen Babayan, who heads the departments oublic affairs division.
    Babayan argued that that due to the agency's tremendous workload our
    request couldn't be permitted at this time and that we should reapply
    in 1-2 months.

    This is not the first time we have received such a puzzling response
    from Mr. Babayan.

    We wrote back to Minister Tovmasyan, explained the situation, and
    asked what exactly was going on at the Department of Corrections for
    them to be so busy and stretched for the next two months.

    Given that the Corrections Department is under the jurisdiction of the
    Ministry we asked Mr. Tovmasyan to tell us when reporters would be
    allowed into the prisons.

    The reply we got was again from Babayan at the Department of
    Corrections. This time the excuse given was organizational and
    security concerns."

    Go figure...

    (The photo on the right is Minister of Justice Tovmasyan; the other,
    Arsen Babayan)

    From: A. Papazian