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Compulsory Chess Lessons In Every School - Now That'S Radical

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  • Compulsory Chess Lessons In Every School - Now That'S Radical

    By Katharine Birbalsingh

    Daily Telegraph

    Katharine Birbalsingh is the teacher who exposed the failings of the
    comprehensive school system at the Conservative Party conference last
    year. Katharine has been teaching in inner London for over a decade
    and plans to set up a Free School in south London to help to serve
    underprivileged children. Her book, To Miss with Love, is out now.

    Follow @Miss_Snuffy on Twitter to see what Katharine's doing now.

    Katharine's personal website is

    Checkmate: it's not a geek's game, it's a battle on a board (Photo:
    Getty) Malcolm Pein in Birmingham runs a charity that promotes the
    teaching of chess in schools. He has managed to get chess lessons
    started in 70 primary schools - 1 hour per week. Children being
    interviewed about their chess lessons insist that, in comparison,
    computer games are "silly" and a "waste of time". But chess makes
    them play better with their friends, and improves their maths! These
    are the kids talking...

    Are they right? Is chess really what it is cracked up to be?

    Believe it or not, Armenia has recently made chess compulsory in all
    of its primary schools. Children from the age of six will learn chess
    as a separate subject on the curriculum for two hours a week. Arman
    Aivazian, an official at the Ministry of education, says that chess
    lessons will "foster schoolchildren's intellectual development" and
    teach them to "think flexibly and wisely". President Serzh Sarkisian
    has been so inspired that he has committed around £1.5 million (a
    large sum for an impoverished country) to the scheme. His intention
    is that Armenia should rule the world of chess.

    This is not just a pipe dream. In 1963, Armenian Tigran Petrosian
    defeated Russian Mikhail Botvinnik to take the world chess title.

    Armenia's national team won gold at the biennial International Chess
    Olympiad in both 2006 and 2008, and the country's top player, Levon
    Aronian, is currently ranked number three in the world.

    But should chess really take the place of other national curriculum
    subjects? I doubt Malcolm Pein thinks so. He simply believes that
    young children should be taught the game and given the chance to
    enjoy it. Teachers involved in his scheme notice its immediate
    impact on children. They say the children are more aware of their
    peers, better at problem solving, more forward-thinking and better
    at building strategy: quite an extraordinary array of skills from
    just a little game of chess!

    It is said that the great chess masters have hundreds of different
    chess boards memorised which they simply pull out of their head as
    they play. Without super sharp powers of memory and concentration,
    one cannot hope to win at a game of chess. So perhaps there is some
    truth in it.

    No one wants to deny a child the opportunity of learning the game
    of chess. Contention only arises if one suggests that chess is more
    important than something else. Is it more important than music or art?

    What about maths or history?

    Once I sat in the theatre in New York and next to me was a woman with
    her 8-year-old little boy who wore funny glasses and shorts. He was
    glued to his electronic chess board during the entire performance,
    obsessed with winning against the computer. It was a sight to behold.

    All I could think was, there is something different about that boy...

    something I wish I could bottle up and give to all my kids back home.

    Whatever one's feelings on chess, what I find most endearing is the
    comment of an ordinary Armenian man when interviewed about chess.

    "Chess offers us hope - the chance of salvation. For in chess, every
    pawn can become a queen."

    If chess does that, then compulsory it should be.

    From: A. Papazian