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60 injured in clash between pro-Coptic protesters and Muslims in Cai

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  • 60 injured in clash between pro-Coptic protesters and Muslims in Cai

    60 injured in clash between pro-Coptic protesters and Muslims in Cairo

    May 15, 2011 - 14:58 AMT
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    Violence erupted in the Cairo neighborhood of Maspero when pro-Coptic
    protesters clashed with unidentified men, leaving at least two people
    dead and 60 injured, state TV reported early on May 15.

    The demonstrators initially staged a sit-in in front of the state TV
    building to demand greater rights for the religious minority.

    Problems between Egypt's Muslim majority and its Coptic Christian
    minority have been on the rise in recent months, with a number of
    violent clashes reported between the two groups.

    Dozens of unidentified men, dressed in plain clothes, began firing
    live ammunition into the air and attacking the demonstrators around
    the entrance of the sit-in enclosure with sticks and stones. They also
    threw Molotov cocktails. It was not immediately clear who the
    attackers were or what their motive was.

    Witnesses claimed the attackers were people from neighboring slums,
    seeking to incite sectarian violence. Egyptian riot police were
    deployed and created a human barrier between the men and the

    A pro-Coptic protester was hit in the head by a rock. He initially
    refused to enter an ambulance, saying he feared arrest by the army.
    Volunteer doctors attempted to treat him in a make-shift field clinic
    but his wounds were severe and he was eventually taken away in the

    The demonstrators captured one of their alleged attackers, who was badly beaten.

    The pro-Coptic protesters broke up the sidewalk around the television
    station and threw chunks of rock and concrete at their attackers. The
    demonstrators were armed with clubs and metal chains and a man was
    seen carrying a sword.

    Later, two groups of men were seen clashing outside the foreign
    ministry, which is near the TV building. It was not immediately clear
    whether they were the same groups that fought outside the TV station
    earlier, though state TV reported that Coptics were involved in the

    The battling groups of men threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at each
    other. Black smoke billowed up from the street as cars burned outside
    the foreign ministry and tear gas was fired. Sporadic gunshots rang
    out for hours. Clashes continued into the early morning.

    Thousands of riot police and soldiers were deployed and tear gas was
    fired to clear the crowds. Many men fainted from the gas, while others
    rushed to assist them. Army units secured the perimeter and the
    gunshots stopped. Ambulances arrived. A man bleeding from a gunshot
    wound to his stomach was carried to a make-shift clinic by pro-Coptic
    demonstrators. A doctor attempted to remove a pellet from another
    man's leg.

    Thousands of demonstrators chanted loudly, calling for a million-man
    protest outside the state TV building, CNN reported.

    From: Baghdasarian