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BAKU; FM: Armenian President'S Historical Illiteracy Surprises

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  • BAKU; FM: Armenian President'S Historical Illiteracy Surprises


    May 16 2011

    The Armenian president's historical illiteracy surprises. He does not
    know that neither Nagorno-Karabakh nor Nakhchivan have ever been part
    of Armenia, since Armenia did not exist then, Azerbaijani Foreign
    Ministry Spokesman Elkhan Polukhov told Trend. He was commenting on
    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan's interview to the Russian media.

    "Speaking of Nakhchivan and Armenians' disagreement with its being
    part of Azerbaijan, the Armenian president directly speaks about
    continuing territorial claims to Azerbaijan," Polukhov noted.

    According to Polukhov, it is worth to remind the head of the
    neighboring country that mass resettlement of the Armenians to the
    historical lands of Azerbaijan was repeatedly conducted during the
    19-20th centuries, and Armenia's current capital was the city of
    Irevan, largely populated by the Azerbaijanis.

    Sargsyan said in an interview that at the dawn of Soviet power,
    the Caucasian Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
    decided to separate from the composition of Armenia its historical
    Nagorno-Karabakh and Nakhichivan region and transfer these regions
    to Azerbaijan.

    Sargsyan said that at the junction of 1990-1991, Armenia became aware
    that the internal forces would withdraw from the Nagorno-Karabakh
    region. "On the eve of the withdrawal of internal troops, we realized
    that we would stay alone with our problems and turbulent events will
    come on," he stressed in an interview.

    Polukhov said that Serzh Azadovich is clearly cunning, saying that
    on the eve of the withdrawal of troops from Nagorno-Karabakh, they
    realized that leave alone with their problems.

    "Exactly he, together with the 366th military regiment, massacred in
    Khojali in February 1992, using the opportunity of Soviet troops by the
    end. Azadovich, you can find the confirmation of this fact in the book
    "Black Garden" by the British journalist de Waal, as well as in memoirs
    of brother of the Armenian terrorist Monte Melkonian," Polukhov said.

    In addition, Sargsyan said the people of Nagorno-Karabakh themselves
    should decide their own destiny, have every opportunity to safely
    develop in their homeland and the principle of territorial integrity
    does not mean the inviolability of borders.

    With this regard, Polukhov said apparently the Armenian president is
    not familiar with the provisions of international law, which provides
    a mechanism for self-determination within the territorial integrity
    of states.

    "Giving an interview and saying that this kind of self-determination
    does not happen and that this variant is truncated and primitive,
    the Armenian president forgets about the presence of several
    self-determined autonomous regions in Russia, thereby intentionally
    wishing to offend the state, whose media interviews him, or continues
    demonstrating illiteracy," Polukhov underscored.

    Sargsyan said the Karabakh problem differs from all problems of the
    type. "Generally, all these conflicts are distinctive. Each has its
    own special causes, consequences, and dynamics of development. As
    a precedent, of course, the appearance of new states in the world
    has a positive effect on international recognition of the rights of
    Nagorno-Karabakh people," Sargsyan said.

    Polukhov said that speaking of the illogicality, the Armenian president
    seems illogical. Perhaps, his poor education does not allow him to
    understand the conditions under which Armenia and Azerbaijan gained
    independence - exactly, as a result of the voluntary dissolution of
    the USSR, without violent change of borders of the republics, which
    were part of the former Soviet Union and which were recognized by the
    international community in those borders, within which they were part
    of the Soviet Union, said Polukhov.

    "Does Sargsyan know that with his idea that the territorial integrity
    does not mean the inviolability of borders, he denies the foundations
    of international law and the Helsinki Final Act, which Armenia joined,
    the charters of UN and OSCE, which Armenia has joined, and many other
    international documents that clearly stipulate the inadmissibility
    of forcible change of borders of a sovereign state?" Polukhov said.

    He noted the Armenian president seems even more illogical when he sets
    examples of different territorial conflicts as a positive example to
    justify the right of the Nagorno-Karabakh people to self-determination
    on the one hand, and says that all these conflicts are distinctive
    and unique, on the other.

    In reply to question about scale of risks for resumption of actual
    battles, Sargsyan said the probability exists, because "I cannot
    understand why Azerbaijan is delaying the negotiation process". In
    addition, Sargsyan said Armenia can recognize the independence of
    the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh in the future, but not today.

    "We are negotiating, and the recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh would
    mean their failure. It is better to negotiate," Sargsyan said.

    Polukhov said Serzh Azadovich argues that Azerbaijan is delaying
    the negotiation process, while he himself threatens a possible
    outbreak of battles. Moreover, he is still trying to blackmail with
    the possibility of recognizing the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh,
    but then stipulates that it is better to negotiate.

    Sargsyan also accused Azerbaijan and Turkey of the sorry plight of the
    Armenian population. "In these circumstances, it was very difficult to
    provide population with the goods of even basic necessities. We had
    big problems with energy supply. And the most important achievement
    is that we were able to ensure stability," Sargsyan said.

    Commenting on the interview, Polukhov said Sargsyan was shamefully
    silent about the fact that he was one of those who headed the
    separatist movement, whose actions led to the appearance of hundreds
    of thousands of refugees and displaced persons, the conduct of ethnic
    cleansing, the fact that dozens of towns and villages were wiped out,
    the monuments of history, culture and religion were destroyed on the
    occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

    "Evaluating the interview of the Armenian president, one may suggest
    that Serzh Azadovich maximally diverts people's attention from the
    realities and problems, as well as the current catastrophic situation
    in Armenia, speaking only about the neighbors, history and nothing
    about today. It is enough to only start withdrawing the occupying
    forces from Azerbaijani territories in order to reduce military
    expenditure and create conditions for progress in the region, from
    which Armenia will firstly benefit and create conditions for improving
    the welfare of its own population," Polukhov said.

    Unfortunately, Serzh Sargsyan even in his attempts to influence his
    audience by Russian media differed with full contradictions in his
    statements, he underscored.
