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Christian Churches Of Complaints Against Israeli New Taxes

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  • Christian Churches Of Complaints Against Israeli New Taxes



    Arthur Hagopian from "Armenian Mirror Spectator" reports

    The heads of Christian churches in Jerusalem have expressed grave
    concern over renewed moves by the Israeli authorities to tax church
    buildings and properties. While previous such moves have ended in
    failure, the Israelis have not tried hard to mask their intention
    to persist in their efforts to impose an "arnona" (property tax)
    on properties owned by the various churches, including those which
    have been vacant for some time. In a statement issued here this
    week, a loose conglomeration of the 13 Christian churches officially
    recognized by Israel, calling itself the "Heads of the Churches of
    the Holy City of Jerusalem," warned of dire consequences that would
    ensue should Israel carry out its plans.

    "Such imposition would constitute a radical departure from the
    consistent practice of every previous state to have governed any part
    of the Holy Land, including the Ottoman Empire, the British Mandate,
    the Hashemite Kingdom and the State of Israel itself," the church
    leaders said. "It would represent a significant worsening of the
    conditions of the churches in the Holy Land. It would also be in direct
    contradiction of the mandate of the United Nations Organization in
    General Assembly resolution 181, of November 29, 1947, as it applied
    not only to Jerusalem but also to the two national states that it
    authorizes to be established in the Holy Land," they warned.

    The churches argued the Israeli move would be in contravention of the
    so-called "status quo" agreements promulgated in the 19th century,
    which have governed relations between the churches and governments
    since Ottoman times. Under the terms of the status quo, the Ottomans
    pledged to exempt church properties from taxation, recognized their
    rights and granted them special privileges, in documents termed
    "firmans." One Ottoman ruler, Sultan Chakmak, even went so far as to
    damn any "accursed [person] or son of accursed" who dared impugn on the
    rights and privileges of the Armenian Church, in an edict engraved in
    a marble plaque that hangs at the entrance to the Convent of St James,
    seat of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

    Subsequent administrators of the Holy Land, like the Jordanians,
    expressed their support of the status quo and adhered to its tenets.

    The churches warned that "any erosion of the understanding of the
    status quo agreements between the State of Israel and Christian
    churches threatens the well-being of the Christian churches and their
    ability to continue the various ministries of pastoral care, education
    and health care which they provide." They also complained that an
    "arnona" on Church properties would "contradict the solemn promises
    given to the Churches by successive Israeli governments, most notably
    confirmed in the wake of the June 1967 war" that saw Israel overrun
    Jerusalem and most of the West Bank. The church statement minced
    no words in describing the Israeli move as "aggressive," expressing
    astonishment at the timing, in a hint at the unpredictable political
    disturbances spreading across the region.

    "The heads of the churches cannot understand how it could be in the
    interest of the state to take such aggressive action with regard to
    the churches, especially at this time," it said. It urged official
    relations to remain on a correct and friendly basis, confident
    that "such will indeed turn out to be the continuing choice of the
    government of Israel." "The Heads of Churches believe this respect is
    essential for the ongoing health of the relationship between the three
    Abrahamaic faiths which exist in Israel as well as the relationship
    each has with the government of Israel," the statement said. The
    churches are particularly concerned that the "abrupt imposition of
    unprecedented new taxation on the Christian Churches could only come
    at the expense of their ability to maintain their presence in the Holy
    Land and to continue their ministries of pastoral care, education,
    welfare and health."

    The heads of Churches in Jerusalem include the Greek Orthodox
    Patriarch, the Latin Patriarch, the Armenian Patriarch, the Custos of
    the Holy Land, and the Armenian Catholic, Coptic Orthodox, Ethiopian
    Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Maronite, Syrian Orthodox, Syrian Catholic,
    Anglican and Lutheran archbishops and bishops.
