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Karabakh Peace Requires 'Real Effort'

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  • Karabakh Peace Requires 'Real Effort'

    May 17 2011

    News.Az reprints an exclusive interview by Mediamax news agency with
    European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek.

    Mr Buzek, what is your assessment of the democratization process in
    Armenia and will you raise the dialogue between the authorities and
    the opposition during your meetings in Armenia?

    Armenia is an important neighbour to the European Union and also a
    key actor in the South Caucasus region. We try to develop a special
    relationship with neighbouring countries, aiming to establish an
    area of prosperity and neighbourliness. Relations are founded on the
    values of the Union and characterized by close and peaceful relations
    based on cooperation. This is why it is important to have dialogue
    and to support the establishment of true, real democracy in your
    country. The European Parliament has repeatedly encouraged Armenia to
    pursue the necessary reforms to improve transparency, democracy, the
    judiciary and respect for human rights. I'll address all these subjects
    during my visit to your country. I know that this is not easy. My own
    country [Poland - Mediamax] experienced this 20 years ago. But we have
    succeeded so I know it is possible. This exchange of views will help
    better understand the ongoing processes and the problems existing in
    the region and will contribute to strengthening political relations.

    At the joint news conference with Armenian Prime Minister Tigran
    Sargsyan on 16 March in Brussels, you said: "We are worried about the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and will do everything possible so that peace
    is secured in this region." In this context, what is your assessment
    of the militaristic rhetoric, which is voiced in Azerbaijan every day?

    I am concerned that the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    is the main threat to regional security and stability. All parties
    should seek a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as
    soon as possible on the basis of international law. Real efforts are
    needed to pave the way for a lasting peace and provocative policies
    and rhetoric, inflammatory statements and manipulation of history
    should be avoided by both sides. I encourage a mutually satisfactory
    solution which serves the interests of all.

    How would you comment on the European Neighbourhood Policy Review
    resolution as whole, approved by the European Parliament on 7 April
    2011, and on Item 49 of that document in particular, which calls for
    the development of confidence-building measures and programs and
    of "informal contacts and consultations with the societies of the
    breakaway territories"? How is it planned to implement this initiative?

    We should never forget the basic needs of the common people, wherever
    they are living. Promoting people-to-people contacts, easing trade and
    travel conditions, extending a helping hand rather than creating new
    walls has always been the policy of the European Parliament We recently
    called the high representative and the European External Action Service
    to develop more confidence-building measures and programmes for the
    area. I trust she [High Representative Catherine Ashton - Mediamax]
    will take the most appropriates measure to implement our demands. We
    would like to prepare public opinion to accept and fully understand the
    benefits of a comprehensive settlement. It is important to bring people
    together and to make them re-learn their history together. Hopefully
    then the breakaway territories will transform from being a place
    symbolizing division to a place of cooperation and dialogue.

    European Commissioner Štefan Fule expressed hope in a recent
    interview to our agency that "after upcoming elections in Turkey,
    new opportunities may appear to continue the process of normalization
    of relations between Armenia and Turkey". Do you believe that such
    prospects really exist and can the European Parliament help the
    sides anyway?

    Armenian-Turkish rapprochement is crucial for regional stability
    and security. We regret the stalling of the ratification of the
    Armenian-Turkish protocols on normalization of bilateral relations.

    The ratification should be pursued by both sides without
    preconditions. EURONEST can help in establishing dialogue between the
    parties to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The European Parliament's
    main tool to achieve mutually satisfactory solutions is dialogue. We
    want to bring together parliamentarians from both countries, and
    establish dialogue.

    The first session of the EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly took place
    on 3 May in Brussels. What is your assessment of the prospects for
    cooperation in this format, and what can the sides gain from this

    Firstly, we are very grateful for Armenia's constructive approach to
    the EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly. Our aim is to help build vibrant
    democracies, free market economies and foster the rule of law. This
    is a forum of the people, by the people and for the people. Closer
    ties among our parliaments will give additional legitimacy to actions
    taken by governments in the framework of the Eastern Partnership. I
    would like to thank my colleagues from the parliaments of the partner
    countries for expressing their determination for this new project to
    bear fruit. EURONEST must bring tangible results for the citizens. Its
    success is in our hands.

    Source: Mediamax
