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Seepan Parseghian To Work With UN Criminal Tribunal For Rwanda

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  • Seepan Parseghian To Work With UN Criminal Tribunal For Rwanda

    Seepan Parseghian

    Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

    LOS ANGELES-When USC Law student Seepan Parseghian graduates this week,
    he won't immediately take a job at a law firm or a position with
    the U.S. Attorney's office. Instead, Parseghian will be preparing
    to travel this summer to work with judges and legal staff at the
    International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in Arusha, Tanzania.

    Parseghian is one of six USC Law students selected to take part in
    the school's new International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC), which
    for the past several months, has been working remotely from Los
    Angeles with the judges on trials involving charges of genocide,
    crimes against humanity and war crimes. All of the defendants were
    high-level government ministers and politicians allegedly responsible
    for planning and ordering the 1994 Rwandan genocide, which resulted
    in approximately 800,000 deaths within a period of two months.

    "It will be an incredible experience to meet face-to-face with the
    judges and legal staff on these historic trials. This is the kind of
    legal education I dreamt of entering law school," said Parseghian,
    24, who earned his undergraduate degree in political science in 2007
    from Stanford University.

    Fighting genocide is important to Parseghian because his grandparents
    were survivors of the Armenian genocide a century ago. Parseghian has
    been an active member of several Armenian-American organizations,
    having served as president of the Stanford Armenian Students'
    Association, Executive Director of Fast for Armenia, a student-led
    charity, and as an intern with the Armenian National Committee of
    American in Washington, DC.

    "As a descendant of survivors of the Armenian Genocide of 1915, I have
    throughout my life advocated for recognition of the Armenian Genocide
    and prevention of future crimes against humanity," he said. "When I
    came to USC Law, I was yearning for an opportunity to use my legal
    skills to solve real world problems on the international stage."

    Now Parseghian looks forward to working on cases addressing genocide
    perpetrated against victims a world away.

    "When I learned about the clinic, I realized that it not only fulfilled
    that desire, but also represented the most effective way to honor the
    memory of my grandparents - by applying my legal education to work
    on cases that seek justice for crimes against humanity that occur
    through to the present day," he said.

    Under the supervision of Prof. Hannah Garry, director of the IHRC,
    this USC Law clinic has partnered with judges and legal staff on cases
    before the ICTR. These partnerships are the first of their kind with
    an American law school.

    "This has been an incredible and unique opportunity for USC Law,"
    Garry said. "Students such as Seepan with a passion for enforcing the
    most fundamental human rights norms are gaining the knowledge and
    skills required for addressing mass atrocities under international
    law. They are also providing critical support to tribunals established
    to bring justice to the millions of victims and their families who
    have suffered unspeakable horrors in these parts of the world."

    For the past several months, Parseghian and fellow third-year law
    students Jamie Hoffman and Shannon Raj worked remotely with the ICTR
    Karemera et al. and Bizimungu et al. Trial Chambers under the close
    supervision of Prof. Garry, assisting the Chambers with wrapping up
    the trials and rendering the final judgments.

    In addition to providing research and specialized advice on diverse
    substantive and procedural legal issues arising under international
    law, Parseghian reviewed and analyzed evidence submitted at trial
    in order to assist with the drafting of judicial documents. and
    co-authored reports updating the Trial Chambers on relevant

    After taking the California Bar Exam in July, Parseghian will travel to
    Arusha, Tanzania, where he will continue to assist with the rendering
    of the Karemera et al. and Bizimungu et al. judgments as well as work
    on other pending cases before the Tribunal. He will also travel to
    genocide memorial sites and speak with survivors in neighboring Rwanda.

    "Working with the Clinic and the ICTR has been an immensely gratifying
    and educational experience, both on a personal and professional level,"
    Parseghian added. "I look forward to working on-site in Arusha with
    the ICTR to witness firsthand how the law advances international human
    rights norms and brings justice to those who have had to endure the
    most evil forms of violence."
