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Attorney Levon Kirakosian Discusses Criminalizing Genocide Denial

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  • Attorney Levon Kirakosian Discusses Criminalizing Genocide Denial


    Monday, May 16th, 2011

    Levon Kirakosian at the Montebello Vigil (Photo By Nora Yacoubian)

    Attorney Levon Kirakosian discussed the issue of criminalizing the
    denial of the Armenian Genocide, an effort, which was defeated last
    week in the French Senate, as well the importance of the recognition
    of the Armenian Genocide by the international community during an
    address at a Genocide commemoration vigil at the Montebello Armenian
    Genocide Martyrs' Monument on April 23.

    This week we present his speech in its entirety.

    The words of Psalm 31 say: "I have become like a broken vessel. I
    hear the whispering of many - terror on every side - as they scheme
    together against me, as they plot to take my life. But I trust in
    you, O Lord: I say, 'you are my God, you are my Salvation." As a
    young boy my mother related this story to me every April 24. While
    she described the repetitive chanting of her village priest as they
    fled in panic from the attacks of the Turkish irregulars. Tears would
    swell in her eyes as she recalled those events and I could see from
    her eyes her drifting away to that scene. Soon after, that priest,
    along with hundreds of other Armenians, was drowned in the Euphrates
    at the hands of those Turkish soldiers.

    In that moment of memories, I could feel that in her mind, her
    heart and her soul an extreme need for silence. Silence in which to
    remember. Silence in which to try to make some sense of the memories
    which would come flooding back. Silence because there are no words
    strong enough to deplore the terrible tragedy of the Genocide. Ladies
    and gentlemen I invite you to stand for a moment of silence in memory
    of those 1.5 million victims who perished.

    Reverend Fathers, Honored guests, friends, and Ungers. We are gathered
    here to remember and to consider the injustices that transpired at
    the hands of the Turkish Government against the Armenian People. This
    began on April 24, 1915, during the tragic events of the 1st World War.

    First, let me express my gratitude to the organizers of this evening's
    event, the Armenian National Committee of the San Gabriel Valley and
    the ARF Dro Gomideh.

    Ladies and Gentleman, we put effort into attending April 24 Genocide
    Commemorations every year, because we feel that we have a moral,
    ethical and religious duty to spread our message as much as possible.

    There is no doubt whatsoever that during World War I there developed a
    terrible and catastrophic policy resulting in genocide perpetrated by
    the Turkish Government against the Armenian People. These atrocities
    have been confirmed by innumerable eye witnesses and survivors and
    fully documented again and again. I personally never saw either of
    my Grandfathers, because they were both killed in 1915. I like many
    others lost countless relatives who perished under the Turkish rule
    by intentional murder and genocide.

    The figure of 1.5 million is regularly quoted. Some may dispute
    this figure, but the crime is just as dreadful whether the number of
    victims totaled 1 million, 1.5 million or 6 million. The method of
    murder is also irrelevant, whether it was by the sword, starvation,
    death marches, or the gas chambers. The evil was the same. It would
    be a terrible affront to the memory of those who perished to belittle
    the guilt of the crime in any way.

    The Turkish Government's present campaign of denial is a continuation
    of the "Armenian Genocide." My aim tonight is to try and present the
    Armenian National Committee's viewpoint in this matter.

    Specifically by denying the fact that the Armenian Genocide ever
    occurred; the crime continues and all who support the denial are
    complicit in that crime. President Obama, we call on YOU to recognize
    this crime as genocide, paraphrasing Congressman Adam Schiff we ask
    that you "return to the clarity you so forcefully expressed [as a
    candidate] in 2008. [To] stand with the ever-dwindling number of
    survivors, as well as their descendants, who continue to suffer the
    'double killing' of denial."

    Today President Obama again fell short of his campaign promise to
    recognize the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Turkish Government.

    As citizens of the United States of America it is unacceptable to
    witness a foreign government manipulating the President of the U.S.

    In October 2006 the National Assembly of France passed a bill
    criminalizing the denial of the Armenian genocide as has Switzerland
    and Belgium. Subsequently, Germany has also proposed to outlaw genocide
    denial throughout the European Union. These laws provoked a vigorous
    debate on the connection between the law and genocide denial.

    The main criticism expressed by the opponents of the laws against
    denial is that its criminalization constitutes a violation of freedom
    of speech. Therefore it represents a potential threat to democracy:
    it is our position that anti-denial laws and freedom of speech are
    not irreconcilable.

    It is important to remember that all democratic societies guaranteeing
    certain freedoms also admit that no freedom is absolute or unlimited.

    Criminalization of denial is only one limitation of free speech,
    among many others (like defamation, libel or laws against obscenity)
    they are generally based on the responsibility that every citizen has,
    a responsibility that some historians and politicians in this country
    seem to forget. Anti-democratic speeches and declaration of hate,
    racism and sexism, are dangerous and harmful acts. They threaten
    the preservation of a democracy and should be excluded from legal

    Therefore, the most rigorous protection of free speech would not
    protect a man from falsely shouting fire in a theater. Therefore, it
    is a given, in all democracies, that freedom of speech is not absolute.

    The interpretations given by French judges in genocide denial cases
    clarify the limitations of the prohibition. The 1990 Gayssot Law
    which deals with the Jewish Holocaust shows that what is actually
    condemned by judges is not the denialist opinion in itself, but
    the public dissemination of this opinion as an act of bad faith
    likely to produce dangerous or harmful effects in a democracy. What
    matters to the judges is whether the denial reveals a political
    motivation. European Courts do not take into consideration what is
    said, but rather how and why it is said.

    If History is a permanent questioning of events and facts, it
    nevertheless implies professional responsibility and ethics: freedom
    of a scholar does not mean irresponsibility.

    Actually, the major difference between genocide denial and other
    limitations of free speech lie in the requirement of showing a
    malicious intent or bad faith.

    Human dignity as well as solidarity and equality between humans is
    destroyed by the perpetration of genocide; and repeated again by
    its denial.

    An example that illustrates the above is the case against Princeton
    University professor of history Bernard Lewis, His genocide denial
    became international news on June 21, 1995, when a French court
    condemned him for statements he made during a 1993 interview with
    the French newspaper "Le Monde." The case, which argued that Lewis'
    statements caused harm to Armenian Genocide survivors, was filed by
    among others ANC of France.

    The Court found Lewis "at fault," stating that, "his remarks,
    which could unfairly revive the pain of the Armenian community, are
    tortuous and justify compensation. The court further affirmed that,
    "the historian is bound by his responsibility toward the persons
    concerned when, by distortion or falsification, he credits the veracity
    of manifestly erroneous allegations or, through serious negligence,
    omits events or opinions subscribed to by persons qualified and
    enlightened enough so that the concern for accuracy prevents him from
    keeping silent about them." Lewis was symbolically fined one franc
    and "Le Monde" was ordered to reprint portions of the French court
    judgment, which appeared two days later.

    All scholars, irrespective of their discipline, agree that denial is
    similar to genocide. It is not a distinct act, rather a "part of it: an
    "assassination of the memory;" a destruction of proof and testimony. It
    is inherently linked to the violence of the genocide and the growing
    assault on the truth. It is the ultimate stage of the genocidal process
    which perpetuates the crime. Deniers join the initial perpetrators by
    reviving the overall injury that the genocide represents, keeping the
    survivors and their descendants in mourning, with no access to closure.

    Unlike what certain critics seem to believe, it is not the
    criminalization of denial that is incompatible with democratic values:
    moreover, it is the distortion of history for political ends that
    destroys the foundation of both the practice of democracy and the
    protection of human rights. Therefore, historical misrepresentations
    of the efforts to exterminate a particular ethnic group increase the
    likelihood that Genocide will be undertaken again in another time and
    another place. As such, it is worthwhile to understand that the legal
    answer to genocide denial is its criminalization; it thus becomes a
    tool for the prevention of genocide.

    As Tim Rutten recently challenged President Obama's refusal to
    refer to 'Genocide' wrote in the Los Angeles Times on April 20th;
    'we keep the memory of tragic wickedness, like the Armenian genocide,
    not simply out of respect for those who died but also in the hope
    that their example will strengthen our resolve to confront the next
    cabal of murderers who doubtless will come. Pretending otherwise -
    for whatever reason - is not prudence but cowardice'.

    Ladies and Gentleman, The road ahead will be thorny. There will still
    be difficult times ahead. However, we as a people are caught up with
    that which is right and we are willing to sacrifice for it, there
    is no stopping point short of victory. The ANC call upon the youth
    to join us in this struggle, we will challenge, we will petition,
    we will not rest until justice is attained for our people.
