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Eurovision Turns Spotlight On Azerbaijan

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  • Eurovision Turns Spotlight On Azerbaijan

    By Damien McGuinness
    18 May 2011

    BBC News South Caucasus correspondent

    Victory in the Eurovision Song Contest has given Azerbaijan a unique
    opportunity to showcase its culture, when it hosts the event next
    year. But it will also throw a spotlight on its much-criticised human
    rights record, and comes amid growing fears of war.

    Last weekend's win by the duo Ell and Nikki sparked celebrations
    on the streets of the capital, Baku, despite being announced in the
    middle of the night and amid heavy rain.

    President Ilham Aliyev called the result "a great success of the
    Azerbaijani state and people". The country's public broadcaster
    said it would give the country a chance to show off its culture and
    traditions to the whole of Europe.

    After all, Eurovision, that riotous celebration of sequins, high-kicks
    and cheesy lyrics, is one of the most watched televised events in
    the world, attracting more than 100 million viewers.

    So host countries see the competition as a major PR opportunity to
    boost tourism and trade - something particularly appreciated by the
    former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan, squeezed into an often overlooked
    region between Russia, Iran and Turkey.

    'Fake charges'

    But light-hearted Eurovision camp sits uneasily with Azerbaijan's
    human rights record.

    Continue reading the main story " Start Quote This victory will now
    put Azerbaijan in the spotlight which could mean that the government
    starts treating its citizens better" End Quote Tabib Huseynov

    Political analyst When it comes to media freedom, Azerbaijan is
    ranked 171 out of 191 countries by the Freedom House NGO. In March and
    April, hundreds of people were detained in peaceful protests against
    the government. And, according to Amnesty International, increasing
    numbers of journalists and youth activists are being imprisoned on
    fabricated charges.

    One of those, Amnesty says, is 20-year-old Jabbar Savalan, who at the
    beginning of May was convicted to two-and-a-half years in prison on
    drugs charges, after calling for anti-government protests on Facebook.

    Human rights activists are now hoping that Eurovision will bring more
    than just upbeat jingles to the Azeri capital, Baku.

    "This victory will now put Azerbaijan in the spotlight which could
    mean that the government starts treating its citizens better," says
    Baku-based political analyst Tabib Huseynov.

    "The Azeri government cares about its international image. And when
    you are in the spotlight you behave better."

    The authorities in Azerbaijan refute accusations of human rights
    abuses. When asked by the BBC why peaceful protesters are arrested,
    government officials said demonstrations are allowed, but only in
    permitted areas outside the city centre.

    Ell and Nikki made a triumphant return home to Baku on Tuesday Denial

    It is unlikely that international attention during a song festival
    will necessarily lead to the release of government critics. After
    all, condemnation from the European Parliament and the European
    Court of Human Rights has so far not led to that. But the hope is
    that Azerbaijan will at least try to avoid international criticism
    which could mar the celebrations.

    But Arastun Orujlu, head of the East-West Research Center in Baku,
    says Eurovision is actually being used to shore up the government's

    "President Aliyev is promoting the Eurovision win as a success of
    the government," he said.

    "Officials are not prepared to accept there are any problems with
    democracy, media freedom or human rights. If they deny these problems
    even exist, it's clear they are not ready for democratic development."

    One problem that cannot be denied, however, is the conflict with
    Armenia over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The two countries went to war over the enclave in 1992 after the
    break-up of the Soviet Union. Around 25,000 people were killed and
    more than a million became refugees.

    A tenuous ceasefire was agreed in 1994. But both sides are even
    now acquiring more sophisticated weaponry and upping the bellicose
    rhetoric. The number of skirmishes and fatalities on the front line
    is rising, and peace talks have stalled. So there is a growing risk
    that the already precarious situation could spiral out of control,
    leading to an accidental war.

    "We're stuck unfortunately in a quagmire," says Laurence Sheets,
    of the International Crisis Group. "This is a region of tremendous
    strategic and energy importance to the entire world. And there is
    the potential for countries like Turkey, a Nato member, Russia or
    Iran to be drawn into war or open hostilities."

    Personal connections

    Tension and deadly skirmishes between Azeri and Armenian forces
    continue In such a tense environment, even the apparently innocent
    fun of the Eurovision Song Contest is politically sensitive. In 2009,
    Azerbaijan's ministry of national security called Azeris accused
    of voting for Armenia in for questioning. Voting in Eurovision is a
    matter of national security, was the explanation of the authorities.

    Next year's event in Baku has the potential to bring both sides
    together. If the Armenian delegates decide to attend, and the Azeri
    authorities welcome them, Eurovision's party atmosphere could provide
    a rare opportunity. If people meet on a personal level, Arastun Orujlu
    believes, they inevitably stop fighting.

    "It's only the governments on both sides which are aggressive because
    they can blame domestic problems on the conflict," he said "But people
    themselves are tired. They want to co-operate."

    This year Armenia's entry sang "boom, boom, chaka, chaka" while
    emerging out of a giant boxing glove on stage - seen by some as a
    metaphor for winning the war in Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The lyrics at Eurovision are not always the most erudite. But if
    Eurovision can help ease tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan,
    there may be some sense to them after all.

    From: Baghdasarian