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Kasparov: NK resolution requires new leaders with democratic views

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  • Kasparov: NK resolution requires new leaders with democratic views

    Garry Kasparov: Resolution of Karabakh conflict will become possible
    only when people with new democratic views come to power in Armenia
    and Azerbaijan

    Saturday, May 21, 13:27

    The current status quo suits both Baku and Yerevan and the threats of
    war are used for similar purposes, Garry Kasparov, the world 13th
    chess champion, Russian politician, said in an interview with Turan.

    "Those who are at the top both in Yerevan and Baku have achieved their
    position due to war, and they want to keep this power. By the way,
    this conflict is now also being used by the authorities of Azerbaijan
    and Armenia to strengthen their position and wealth. Therefore, a
    democratic Azerbaijan will be closer to the resolution of this
    problem, than it is now. So, the resolution of the conflict will
    become possible only when the present elite leave the political arena,
    and people with new democratic views come to power. I think that in
    the current situation it is difficult to find a mutually acceptable
    solution, and it requires a change in the situation; something needs
    to happen in the world and the region to make a solution possible.
    There has been enough bloodshed. But I do not want to say that I know
    how to settle the problem and I do not have a recipe to solve the
    problem. It is not easy to solve such a serious conflict quickly and
    easily. Probably it requires time and the growth a new generation.
    People of both countries should agree that the 1988-1994 events
    remained in history," he said.

    The world is changing, he said, and geopolitical ties that were not
    possible yesterday, today have become a reality. "We have to work in
    this direction and find a way out. I am against a military resolution
    of this problem, and if a war starts, I will oppose it. I am
    against war because war has its own logic, different from everything
    else. In this case, I do not believe that there would be a local and
    limited war," Kasparov said.

    "The territories would not be freed, and the Armenians would not be
    given autonomy. The war would last until a zero option, and there
    would not be any autonomy. Some things cannot be overcome by
    fighting; any bloodshed only postpones the resolution of the problem.
    I think the last testament of Heydar Aliyev to his son was this:
    threaten that you will start a war, but do not fight. And he will not
    fight," he said.

    From: Baghdasarian