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Armenian authorities going to deport Artsakh War veteran

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  • Armenian authorities going to deport Artsakh War veteran

    Armenian authorities going to deport Artsakh War veteran

    Saturday, May 21, 13:28

    Political prisoner Sargis Hatspanyan is concerned over his possible
    deportation from Armenia as he expects that after his release the
    authorities will not provide him with residence permit. In this
    connection, the Armenian National Congress has come out with a
    statement saying that ANC will use all its legal and political powers
    to prevent anything of the kind.

    "Hatspanyan is one of the few Armenians of Diaspora who devoted
    themselves to protection of the Motherland during the hardest period
    of time for the country. Therefore, our compatriot deserves the right
    to live in Armenia and on one can infringe it," ANC's statement says.

    To recall, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan suggested yesterday an
    amnesty against the background of the rumors actively disseminated by
    ANC saying that all the arrestees over March 1 2008 case will be set
    free before May 28, Day of the First Republic of Armenia.
