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Investigation of March 1 will Be Dosed

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  • Investigation of March 1 will Be Dosed

    Investigation of March 1 will Be Dosed


    Story from News:

    Published: 16:15:54 - 19/05/2011

    Most politicians and social activists already express doubt that the
    new turn of investigation of the March 1 events may lead to the
    revelation of the case. Among the reasons for pessimism is mentioned
    the same group of detectives assigned to investigate the case earlier.
    And since the investigators did not reveal the crime then because they
    had corresponding political instructions, now they are probably
    fulfilling other instructions. And this makes an independent
    investigation highly doubtful.

    What is the instruction from above this time? There may be two
    options. Either full freedom of action has been granted or a `dose' of
    charges has been measured out which must be put forward, as well as a
    group of people is designated to be involved in the investigation of
    the case. Most probably, this group of people has not been chosen yet
    and the list depends on the political conjuncture, on how these people
    will behave and what relations they will set up with Serzh Sargsyan.

    The first on this list is believed to be Robert Kocharyan. No charges
    have been brought against him yet but it has been announced that he
    may be interrogated. It means Kocharyan is given some time to make a
    choice between a confrontation with Serzh Sargsyan and the Congress or
    reassurance that he will not run in the upcoming elections and will
    wait for the next elections. The investigative bodies are looking
    forward to this to launch the investigation or to announce that no new
    circumstances have been revealed.

    However, others may appear on the list as well. These may be the
    oligarchs whose bodyguards were noticed on March 1. They also have to
    announce about their plans. Ruben Hairapetyan, for instance, announced
    that he is not going to run in the parliamentary elections, whereas
    Gagik Tsarukyan has already launched his election campaign.

    Were there not for the political conditions, March 1 would have
    already been revealed because the legal questions are few, and it is
    simple to reveal them.

    The questions are the following: was the state of emergency justified
    on March 1, who ordered to deploy the army, who shot at the peaceful
    demonstrators, who robbed the shops and why selectively, what did the
    bodyguards of the oligarchs do on that day? If the new investigation
    is not going to answer these questions, it is meaningless. Especially
    that the investigation has been initiated as a political leverage.

    An ordinary investigation is possible only if the people who have
    covered up the case so far are convicted. And those who have been
    arrested and convicted and served 3.5 years in jail for political
    reasons receive compensation and apologies instead of doing them the
    `favor' of amnesty.
