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ANKARA: Circassians in Turkey mark anniversary of alleged genocide

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  • ANKARA: Circassians in Turkey mark anniversary of alleged genocide

    Circassians in Turkey mark anniversary of alleged genocide

    Sunday, May 22, 2011
    ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

    The protest was the second time Circassians have staged a rally in
    Istanbul recently.

    Thousands of Circassians rallied Saturday in Istanbul's central
    BeÅ?iktaÅ? district to mark the anniversary of the deportation by
    Czarist Russia of around 1.5 million of their ancestors from their
    homelands in 1864.

    Members of the group carried banners criticizing the deportations,
    which Circassians claim resulted in the deaths of at least one-third
    of the people affected, and called for the recognition of the
    deportation and deaths as the `Circassian genocide.'

    The protest was the second time Circassians have staged a rally in
    Istanbul recently, following a march held April 17 to demand
    broadcasting and education rights in their native language.

    `The world has no idea about the tragedy the Circassians suffered 147
    years ago,' Cihan Candemir, the head of the Caucasus Associations
    Federation, or KAFFED, said during the rally. `Millions of Circassians
    were killed during the wars in the 19th century, and the deportation
    of 1.5 million Circassians from their homelands started May 21, 1864,'
    he said, adding that the Circassians living in Turkey still face

    `Our ancestors fought shoulder-to-shoulder with the people of Anatolia
    in World War I and the War of Independence. As the citizens of this
    country, we serve as soldiers, we produce and we pay our taxes, but we
    are not treated as equal citizens,' he said.

    Recep Genel, a Turkish writer of Circassian origin, told the Hürriyet
    Daily News & Economic Review on Sunday that Turkey considers the
    Circassians to be `Caucasus Turks.'

    `Even the names of the associations start with Caucasus; we do not
    have the legal right to use `Circassian' in these names,' said Genel.
    `When we demand our rights, some say, `The Kurds have been trying it,
    is it now your turn?' But what we demand is fundamental human rights.'

    According to Genel, the Circassian groups in Turkey have agreed on two
    basic demands: radio and television broadcasts in Circassian and
    education in their mother tongue. He added that more rallies and other
    actions would follow until these rights are granted.

    The writer also said what happened in 1864 should be recognized as genocide.

    `The Circassian genocide is much different than the Armenian
    genocide,' said Genel. `We have all the documentation to prove who
    were put on the ships, and how many of them did not make it to land.
    Even Russia is aware of the situation; that is why it cannot deny the

    Although actual Circassians constitute only one of the ethnic groups
    coming from the North Caucasus region in present-day Russia, all the
    peoples who originated from that area are generally referred to
    collectively as `Circassians' in Turkey. Many Circassians were forced
    to abandon their native homelands when Czarist Russia conquered the
    region in the 19th century. Most of those Circassians who fled were
    resettled in Ottoman Turkey.

    Armenia claims up to 1.5 million Armenians were systematically killed
    in 1915 under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Turkey denies this,
    saying that any deaths were the result of civil strife that erupted
    when Armenians took up arms for independence in eastern Anatolia.
