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The First Stone

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  • The First Stone

    Houshamadyan's column

    >From today we can say that Houshamadyan has been born, is working and
    is appearing.

    The first geographical region that we are dealing with in these pages
    is Palu, with its town and surrounding villages. Of course it is
    possible to ask why Palu? Why this choice?

    In reality the Houshamadyan Association has no one descended from
    people from Palu, so there is no need to look for emotional reasons
    for this choice. In fact it was more that a book appearing in 1932 by
    Rev Harutiun Sarkisian (nom-de-plume Alevor) impressed us from the
    first moment with its content and wealth of information. We were
    convinced that based on even this one book we would succeed in great
    measure in giving new life to Armenian life in Palu. We don't think we
    were mistaken in our judgement. We also had several other written
    Armenian sources at our disposal about Palu. But we weren't aware of
    other publications that in the final analysis would amount to more
    than ten volumes about it. Some of them were published in the United
    States of America, where there was an important colony of people from
    Palu even before the catastrophe of 1915. During our work we
    encountered two new publications. The first was Bedros Alahaidoian's
    book, which contained rich information about Palu's songs. It also had
    two CDs which contained recordings of those same songs. The second was
    Arsen Yarman's two-volume book, in which Armenian works about Palu of
    the 19 century had been translated into Turkish.

    We don't think that we have utilised all the Armenian books written
    about Palu. There might be others that we know nothing about. But this
    is the attractive side of Houshamadyan's work. We will be ready to
    revise our website pages every time new sources appear about a given
    place. Such sources can be provided by our visitors and readers.

    We have not completed all the subjects to do with Palu. Some are still
    in the composition and editorial stages. These texts will be gradually
    added to the website in the next few weeks. Our visitors can follow
    these updates through the free Houshamadyan Newsletter which can be
    received by writing to us at our e-mail address

    Our research on Palu has given us the opportunity for unforeseen,
    enjoyable and useful meetings. The best examples of these are the
    links forged with George Aghjayan and George Leylegian. These two
    researchers living in the USA immediately appreciated our work.
    Leylegian, with his rich store of information, opened great prospects
    concerning future work with Houshamadyan. Aghjayan, descended from
    people from the Palu region has, in many ways (maps, photographs,
    pictures, archival materials and books), assisted in the enrichment of
    these pages written about it.

    Houshamadyan's journey has begun, and we are hopeful that many more
    meetings like this will happen during our travels.
