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Founder Of Chile's Private Pension System Hosted By Armenian Prime M

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  • Founder Of Chile's Private Pension System Hosted By Armenian Prime M


    / ARKA /
    May 24, 2011

    YEREVAN, May 24, /ARKA/. Jose Piņera, the founder of Chile's private
    pension system was hosted May 23 at the Office of Armenian Government.

    He has arrived in Armenia at the invitation of Prime Minister Tigran
    Sargsyan, the government press office reproted.

    After meeting with Jose Piņera, the Prime Minister greeted the heads
    of the agencies concerned in attendance and made the following remarks:
    "The architect of Chile's private pension system is in Armenia to share
    his country's experience. Indeed, he will refer to those issues of
    concern to the public in the Republic of Armenia - logic of pension
    reform, reliability and profitability of mobilized resources - in
    order our citizens rest assured that their contributions will not be
    pulverized over time. In a word, all those issues subject to heated
    debates in the Armenian Parliament had already been discussed in
    Chile. But Chile's experience may help us get a better understanding
    of the challenges and hardships faced, as well solutions found all
    the way through the process of pension reform."

    Thanking Tigran Sargsyan for the invitation, Jose Piņera mentioned
    that while this is his first-ever visit to Armenia, he has always
    been interested in our country's history. Chileans were said to have
    marked the 30th anniversary of pension reform on the International
    Workers Day - May 1, 2011 - which in his words had a special meaning.

    By noting that the pension reform influences all the other reforms,
    the guest went on to present the details of his country's reform of
    30 year standing.

    As the main results of the Chilean reform, Jose Piņera singled out
    the safety and adequate profitability of mobilized funds, as well as
    the expansion of the capital market and the speeding up of growth.

    During the exchange of opinions that followed, the guest was asked
    questions on raised funds' safety and guarantees, as well as on public
    awareness and outreach efforts. By the way, the meeting was attended
    by the Georgian Minister of Employment, Healthcare and Social Affairs
    and his deputy.

    Summing up the meeting, Prime Minister Sargsyan thanked Jose Piņera
    for interesting talks and remarks.

    Tthe pension reform has already started in Armenia. As of January 1,
    2011, the funded pension system is effective which may be joined by
    any citizen of one's own free will. Beginning from January 1, 2014
    the mandatory funded system will come into force to be binding for
    all citizens born after January 1, 1974.
