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Levon Ayvazyan: Participation In The Mission In Afghanistan Makes Ou

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  • Levon Ayvazyan: Participation In The Mission In Afghanistan Makes Ou


    MAY 25, 2011

    May 29 is the International Day of Peacekeepers. The Armenian Armed
    Forces are participating in the international peacekeeping activities
    since 2004 enjoying the image of reliable partner. Armenpress news
    agency spoke with the head of the defensive policy department of the
    Defense Ministry Levon Ayvazyan about the process of formation of
    the RA AF's peacekeeping brigade and its peculiarities.

    - It was noted many times that Armenia has turned from just consumer
    of security into the builder of international security. How is this
    circumstance being assessed by Armenia's partners?

    - The participation in the international peacekeeping missions,
    of course, increases the international rating and authority of the
    Armenian Armed Forces. The expansion of international peacekeeping
    activity from year to year testifies that the Armenian Armed Forces are
    not only reliable international partners but are fully practical for
    participating in the international missions. We must also take into
    consideration the circumstance that for instance in Afghanistan the
    most contemporary strategies and methods are being used which means
    that our peacekeepers are acquiring invaluable experience which in
    future is being applied in the other divisions of the Armed Forces
    of RA.

    Besides, the participation in the mission in Afghanistan makes our
    country though modest, a role maker in ensuring international safety.

    Our partners highly assess this circumstance which is being expressed
    by advisory, expertise, material and other assistance provided
    to Armenia.

    - From 2007 September 1 the RA AF peacekeeping battalion has been
    reformed into peacekeeping brigade. How do the works on filling the
    staff and weaponry going on? When will the process complete?

    - The process goes on in accordance with the timeframe established
    by the Minister of Defense. We are planning to completely finish them
    by 2015.

    The service in peacekeeping brigade gives the young people not only
    stable job but allows to exercise, train, learn foreign languages and
    use this in practice during the international missions as well as to
    get use of social and medical privileges intended for servicemen and
    their families.

    I would also like to say that the process is being implemented on
    contractual basis.

    - Which is the main goal of increasing the number of Armenian
    peacekeepers in Afghanistan? Have the issues put in front of them
    changed or will they continue ensuring safety of the building of the
    airport and the runaway located in 2 km-distance from Kunduz base?

    - The 40-member troop of Armenian peacekeepers which is carrying out
    its mission from 2010 will continue its mission in the Kunduz airport
    and the additional peacekeeping forces (81 people) will be located in
    headquarter of North region situated in the Mazar-i-Sharif town. The
    troops will be responsible for the safety of the town's airport.

    - How do the Greek Commandership in Kosovo and German Commandership
    in Afghanistan assess the mission of the Armenian peacekeepers?

    - I must say with delight that with the assessments of both Greek
    and German Commanderships our peacekeepers have been noted only with
    positive sides. By the way they highly assessed the level of their
    preparedness, discipline. It may be testified by various awards the
    Armenian peacekeepers get from the defense ministries of Germany and
    Greece. We receive diplomas of gratitude by the highest military and
    military-political leaderships of these countries.
