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Post Office Dedicated In Juskalian's Honor

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  • Post Office Dedicated In Juskalian's Honor

    By Bonnie Hobbs

    Centre View
    May 26 2011

    Col. George Juskalian didn't live to see the Sully Station branch of
    the U.S. Post Office in Centreville named after him, but his family
    did. His wife, children and grandchildren were at Saturday's dedication
    ceremony and they couldn't have been prouder.

    "He felt so strongly about letters, and thanking people was always so
    important to him," said his daughter, Elissa Jamaldinian. "So this is
    the best way of appreciating someone - to dedicate something that'll
    always be in existence."

    Still, said his wife of 40 years, Lucine Juskalian of Centreville's
    Virginia Run community, "I wish he knew; he would have been so happy
    and proud."

    He died July 4, 2010 at age 96, but lives on in the hearts and
    minds of those who knew and loved him. "World War II veterans are
    the Greatest Generation, and the United States is the most powerful
    country in the world because of that generation," said his wife on
    Saturday. "It was the inspiring example of the new generation."

    Juskalian served in the Army for 30 years, retiring in 1967 as a full
    colonel. He fought in WWII, Korea and Vietnam, was a POW for 27 months
    and received a slew of medals and ribbons for distinguished service -
    including two silver stars, four bronze stars, the Legion of Merit
    and the Army Commendation Medal.

    He and his family moved to Centreville in 1989 and made many friends,
    including neighbor Greg Mathieson, who initially contacted U.S. Rep.

    Frank Wolf (R-10th) about naming the post office building in
    Juskalian's honor. Wolf introduced a bill to that effect and, on Nov.

    29, 2010, the U.S. House of Representatives passed it.

    U.S. Sen. Mark Warner then shepherded it though the Senate, where it
    also passed, and President Barack Obama later signed it into law. As
    a result, the Sully Station Post Office will now be known as the Col.

    George Juskalian Post Office.

    "The help of Congressman Wolf's staff, members of Centreville's
    American Legion Post 1995 and VFW Post 8469 [Blue and Gray] of Fairfax
    also made this possible," said Mathieson. "In receiving this honor,
    Col. Juskalian does not stand alone, but represents all POWs and
    other World War II veterans in perpetuity."

    The dedication ceremony was Saturday afternoon, May 21, and
    was attended by some 200 friends, neighbors and relatives of the
    Juskalians, as well as war veterans, former POWs and members of the
    Armenian community. Participants included politicians, clergymen,
    postal employees and students.

    Peter DeFreece, commander of American Legion Post 1995, was the
    moderator. Westfield High's band and choir performed the National
    Anthem, and the Chantilly Academy's junior AFROTC presented the colors
    with members of American Legion Post 177 and VFW Post 8469.

    The Rev. Hovsepkarapetyan of St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church in
    Washington, D.C., called Juskalian a man of honor and a good Christian
    whose "dedication extended beyond his military career. May the memory
    of our veterans who served this country and died for it always be
    blessed eternally." He then asked God to "guard and bless this post
    office and everyone working there."

    Michael Furey, USPS Northern Virginia district manager, said the
    Postal Service was "proud to be here today and honor an American
    patriot. There are many deserving people across the country; it takes
    a tremendous amount of work to have a post office named after someone.

    The dedication plaque in the lobby will honor one of Centreville's
    own who served his country, family and community in a manner that
    was truly exceptional."

    Wolf read letters from Warner and from former U.S. Sen. Bob Dole,
    who said it was fitting to honor Juskalian on May 21, which was Armed
    Forces Day. "Col. Juskalian embodied the spirit of the military in his
    everyday life," wrote Dole. "Men like him don't come around too often.

    He always put others first, and today is his time to be put first."

    Acknowledging the presence of the many veterans and former POWs
    attending the ceremony in front of the post office, Wolf said Juskalian
    "actively embraced the values of sacrifice and service that we hold so
    dear." He then gave a summary of Juskalian's long military career and
    honors earned, also recognizing his membership in the VFW, American
    Legion and Armenian Assembly of America.

    Noting that Juskalian was the son of immigrants, Wolf called him "an
    example of the best of America - [someone] who devoted himself to the
    preservation of our nation and freedom around the world. His name on
    this facility is a fitting tribute to his many years of service and
    a constant reminder of the sacrifices our military and their families
    have made and continue to make for our country."

    Del. Jim LeMunyon (R-67th) presented a certificate to Juskalian's son
    Kevork on behalf of the governor and General Assembly, acknowledging
    the building dedication in his father's name. Kevork thanked Wolf
    for his efforts to honor his father, adding, "Special thanks to Greg
    Mathieson who's been such a good friend to my family and was the
    catalyst for this event."

    "Throughout his life, the postal service kept my father in touch with
    his family," said Kevork. "He taught us the value of taking the time
    to put words on paper and stay connected with each other. My father
    would be proud to be honored this way and to know so many veterans
    attended this ceremony."

    After the plaque unveiling came the benediction by the Rev. Vertanes
    Kalayjian, also of St. Mary. "This is an honor for Col. Juskalian,
    the citizen, soldier and member of the Armenian Church," he said. "It's
    also a proud day for [our] church."

    Also pleased was Juskalian's neighbor, Yom Kim, who said afterward,
    "We belonged to the same chapter of Korean War Veterans. It's great
    that the post office was named after him. I miss him very much."

    Supervisor Michael R. Frey (R-Sully) was also thrilled about the
    building dedication. "Col. Juskalian really was such an incredible
    guy - and yet, he'd have had no one know about what he did, except
    his family. It's nice that, now, we will forever remember him."

    Agreeing, son-in-law Joe Jamaldinian said, "He never boasted regarding
    his service to the country, and his love for people and talent as a
    wordsmith were his gifts to connect with others. I was proud to have
    known him and to be able to call him Dad."
