May 27, 2011
Ameriabank CJSC offers a new investment loan for individuals in
Armenia's banking system. The loan is granted in USD and euros,
with the maximum term of 5 years without established maximum or
minimum amount.
The new loan is allocated to individual to finance or make investments
in business. The loan provides individuals with the possibility
to participate in authorized capital of legal entities operating
in Armenia, through purchase of shares or subscription to a new
stock issue.
The loan is also granted to involve individuals in businesses through
purchasing equipment and other fixed assets used in business, as well
as to establish new businesses, the bank press service reported.
May 27, 2011
Ameriabank CJSC offers a new investment loan for individuals in
Armenia's banking system. The loan is granted in USD and euros,
with the maximum term of 5 years without established maximum or
minimum amount.
The new loan is allocated to individual to finance or make investments
in business. The loan provides individuals with the possibility
to participate in authorized capital of legal entities operating
in Armenia, through purchase of shares or subscription to a new
stock issue.
The loan is also granted to involve individuals in businesses through
purchasing equipment and other fixed assets used in business, as well
as to establish new businesses, the bank press service reported.