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BAKU: UN Security Council Seat Shows Azerbaijan's Power

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  • BAKU: UN Security Council Seat Shows Azerbaijan's Power

    Nov 1 2011

    President Ilham Aliyev has described election to the UN Security
    Council as Azerbaijan's "biggest victory".

    He said that last week's Security Council vote was the culmination
    of the first 20 years of Azerbaijan's independence.

    The president made the remarks in a speech at the opening of a Heydar
    Aliyev Centre in the central Azerbaijani town of Ujar on Sunday.

    "In the UN Security Council, which is the highest authority in the
    world, we will defend the principles to which we are committed. First
    of all, we will defend justice. We approach everything from the
    standpoint of justice. Both domestic processes and our foreign policy
    initiatives are based on the principles of justice," Aliyev said.

    He said that Azerbaijan would uphold international law in the Security
    Council and repeated Baku's commitment to a resolution of the conflict
    with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh based on territorial integrity,
    as enshrined in international law.

    News.Az prints below the full text of the president's speech,
    translated from AzerTAj.


    "Dear friends! Today is a wonderful day. We've gathered at the
    opening of the majestic Heydar Aliyev Centre in Ujar. I would like to
    congratulate you on this wonderful event. I wish you good health. This
    is really a magnificent facility, a palace. Heydar Aliyev centres are
    under construction in the Azerbaijani regions. I can say that the
    Heydar Aliyev Centre in Ujar stands out in terms of its beauty and
    grandeur. Both outside and inside, in terms of design and function, the
    centre is perfect. The construction of such centres is a manifestation
    of the respect of the people of Azerbaijan for the memory of a great
    leader. At the same time, these centres study the political legacy of
    the great leader. Along with this, the centres should host a variety
    of events.

    "I am very pleased that this centre has excellent facilities for
    various events. All important events in the district are to be held
    here. Internet access is provided and some courses will be launched.

    In short, this centre will make Ujar more beautiful. In the area
    around the centre, people will relax, and there is a beautiful area,
    where much has been done for improvement.

    "I am very pleased that Ujar is being successfully constructed and
    developed. I am sure that in the coming years these trends will further
    intensify. We need to make each region, each regional centre, each
    village more beautiful and comfortable. We have potential to this
    end. The creation of such wonderful centres and beautiful squares
    shows that Azerbaijan is developing successfully, all the problems
    facing the country have been successfully resolved. The foundation
    of our success was laid by great leader Heydar Aliyev.

    "While marking the 20th anniversary of the restoration of our
    independence this year and again looking back in history, we can
    see that the great leader did a unique service to the people of
    Azerbaijan and the state. Heydar Aliyev, who returned to power at the
    people's request in the hardest times, stabilized the situation and
    led Azerbaijan along the path of development. We have talked quite
    widely about this issue at recent events on independence. Different
    events on the restoration of independence have been held in all
    regions of our country. Heydar Aliyev earned exceptional praise for
    the creation of the basis of statehood in Azerbaijan, the construction
    of a law-governed state, the ratification of democratic principles
    and conduct of reforms. This policy is continuing today. We are
    committed to this policy. Azerbaijani people are committed to the
    policy of Heydar Aliyev and respect his memory. This policy opens
    up new possibilities in Azerbaijan. In recent years, we carried
    out extensive redevelopment and creative work in all regions. Work
    continues in all districts to build houses and schools, lay a gas
    supply network and build public infrastructure. These factors determine
    the full development of our country.

    International role

    "We have strong economic potential, and this is the reality. Our
    position in the world is getting stronger and others also accept
    these realities. Today, Azerbaijan is the leading state in regional
    affairs, and leading state in the South Caucasus. Azerbaijan's economy
    constitutes 83% of the economy of the South Caucasus. Our initiatives
    in the political sphere play an important role in deepening cooperation
    in the region. Our position in the world is growing stronger too.

    "The recent election of Azerbaijan as a member of the UN Security
    Council once again demonstrates the power of our country. It once again
    shows how good the policy of Azerbaijan is. The processes inside the
    country, economic development, are reflected in the statistics.

    Structures dealing with these issues, people, experts can see and
    appreciate the successful development of Azerbaijan.

    "And our election with a large majority to the UN Security Council has
    presented Azerbaijan as a modern, strong and influential country. The
    international community has great respect for Azerbaijan and trusts
    it. A total of 155 countries supported us; 155 countries believed in
    us and placed their hopes in us. Of course, we'll live up to these
    expectations. First of all, we will justify and meet the expectations
    of the Azerbaijani people. The clear evidence of this is the reform and
    work carried out in this country. We'll also live up the expectations
    of our partners and friendly countries. In the UN Security Council,
    which is the highest authority in the world, we will defend the
    principles to which we are committed. First of all, we will defend
    justice. We approach everything from the standpoint of justice.

    Both domestic processes and our foreign policy initiatives are based
    on the principles of justice.

    "We are going to uphold international law in the Security Council. We
    stand for resolution of all matters on the basis of international law.

    There is no other mechanism of peace. The principles of international
    law are accepted by the international community because they are true.

    Our just cause, the Karabakh conflict, the issue of occupation of our
    lands should also be resolved only on the basis of the principles of
    international law.

    "The UN Security Council, of which we have recently become a member,
    adopted four resolutions on the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. They adopted a fair decision.

    Unfortunately, these resolutions have not been fulfilled yet.

    "We already are a member of this powerful framework. We have entered
    the list of select countries of the world. Of course, we will protect
    their interests more broadly and inform the international community of
    the truth about our country and region. But I also have to note that
    the election raises our responsibility. We are ready to assume this
    responsibility, otherwise, we wouldn't have nominated our candidacy.

    All the same, the vote shows that there is enough information about
    Azerbaijan in the world. In some cases the international community
    is referred to on different issues. The international community
    consists of all countries. The majority of them back Azerbaijan. The
    international community backs us. In future, when some circles seek
    to put forward an idea or proposal and refer to the international
    community, they should know that the international community's view
    has been reflected in this vote.

    "Azerbaijan is a country which is praised by the international
    community. This is a great achievement, a great success. This proves
    that Azerbaijan has chosen the right path over recent years. I have
    to repeat that this path was shown by our great leader. Over recent
    years, committed to his political and spiritual heritage, and holding
    reforms, we have managed to strengthen our country. We have always
    taken specific action. The development of all regions, the creation
    of new jobs in the regions and construction of such majestic palaces
    are the realities of modern Azerbaijan. Our economy is growing in
    the hardest years, critical for the world, salaries and pensions are
    growing, there is no delay in the implementation of infrastructure
    projects. All promises have been fulfilled.

    Independent foreign policy

    "There are no differences about our foreign policy inside the country.

    However, in some cases people who call themselves experts have voiced
    different thoughts about our foreign policy both inside the country and
    abroad. They sometimes voiced critical ideas, saying that Azerbaijan's
    balanced policy is erroneous and Azerbaijan should become closer to one
    power and become its protege. But this vote has again proved that these
    thoughts are mistaken and harmful. This vote showed that Azerbaijan's
    policy is the only true one. This is not a balanced policy. I have
    to repeat that this is an independent policy. We, as an independent
    country, respect ourselves, respect our people and the state. We build
    our policy exceptionally on the interests of the Azerbaijani people. We
    have established equal relations with all countries, regardless of
    their size and strength. These are already established relations.

    "Azerbaijan is known as a reliable partner and a worthy country.

    Therefore, I am sure that there will be no differences about foreign
    policy in the future. This vote has proven the success of our policy.

    Why do I pay so much attention to this issue? Not only because it
    is our biggest victory and we have the right to take pride in this
    success, but also because this victory draws the conclusions of the
    20-year period of independence. This stage is the highest that we have
    achieved. But it is not limited to us. We look into the future with
    confidence. We have definite plans and programs for the future and
    they are being implemented. What achievements will Azerbaijan gain
    in the next two decades? How will Azerbaijan develop in the next 50
    years? We are laying the foundation of the next 50 years today.

    "At the recent sitting in the Cabinet, I said that over the past eight
    years our economy has tripled. No other country demonstrates such a
    result. The economy must even double in the next 10 years. This is
    a very serious sign and a big responsibility. It won't be easy to do
    this. Given that our current economic potential is quite strong, its
    doubling will demand great skills and professionalism. But I believe
    and I know that with the right implementation of the adopted programs
    we will achieve this and more. We must ensure this development,
    primarily though the non-oil sector and the regions. Therefore,
    along with redevelopment and creative work, we implement investment
    projects, create new enterprises, create jobs and the country's
    economy is developing intensively.

    "I have to note once again that today's event, this majestic Heydar
    Aliyev Centre, this wonderful square, embody the development of
    Azerbaijan. Today the flourishing and developing Azerbaijan needs
    such buildings. Schools, buildings, hospitals, roads, redevelopment
    and creative work bring joy. These buildings give more beauty. These
    buildings reflect the successful development of Azerbaijan.

    "Dear friends, I want to congratulate you again on this wonderful
    event. I wish sound health and new success to all residents of Ujar.

    Thank you."
