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Main Sites The Palestinians Want On UN Heritage List

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  • Main Sites The Palestinians Want On UN Heritage List


    Agence France Presse
    October 31, 2011 Monday 4:54 PM GMT

    The Palestinians were on Monday admitted to UNESCO as a full member
    in a move which will permit them to apply for historic monuments and
    locations to be classified as World Heritage Sites.

    There are 20 sites which the Palestinians want to have recognised by
    the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

    Here is a list of the main ones:


    The main site the Palestinians want recognised as part of their
    cultural heritage is the West Bank town of Bethlehem and its Church
    of the Nativity, officials say.

    Earlier this year, the Palestinians made a formal bid for Bethlehem,
    birthplace of Jesus Christ, to be added to UNESCO's list of World
    Heritage sites.

    Officials say UNESCO recognition of the Church of the Nativity,
    which marks the biblical site where Jesus was born, is crucial for
    preserving the fourth century basilica which was built by the Roman
    Emperor Constantine.

    And preserving the church, which tradition says is built over the
    stable where Mary gave birth to Jesus after she and Joseph could not
    find any room at the inn, is key to maintaining Bethlehem's status
    as the main Palestinian tourist attraction.

    The bid to have Bethlehem and the Nativity Church recognised by the
    UN cultural organisation was backed by the Greek Orthodox church as
    well as the Catholics and Armenians, who are custodians of the shrine.

    UNESCO's committee on World Heritage sites will meet over the
    nominations in July 2012.


    The largest city in the West Bank, Hebron is next on the list for
    nomination to the list of World Heritage sites for recognition as a
    place of historical importance, Palestinians officials say. Known in
    Arabic as Al-Khalil, Hebron is one of the oldest cities in the world,
    and home to the Tomb of the Patriarchs, a cave believed to house
    the burial place of the biblical patriarch Abraham and his family,
    who is revered by both Jews and Muslims.

    TEL AL-SULTAN, Jericho

    Located in the oasis town of Jericho, Tel al-Sultan is an
    archaeological site which dates back to the early Bronze Age (9000
    BC) and is believed to be the location of the world's earliest known
    settlement. Jericho is also home to Hisham's Palace, one of the richest
    archaeological sites in the Palestinian territories and home of the
    biggest mosaic in the Middle East. UNESCO officials say the site has
    all the potential for becoming a World Heritage Site.


    Other places listed as important natural and cultural heritage sites
    by the Palestinian department of antiquities include:

    - Mount Gerizim and the ancient Samaritan community

    - Qumran caves where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered

    - El-Bariyah wilderness (the Judean desert)

    - Dead Sea

    - Old City of Nablus
