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Remarks Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary Of State Ritz-Carlton Hotel

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  • Remarks Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary Of State Ritz-Carlton Hotel

    Remarks Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Ritz-Carlton Hotel AT THE 2011 ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON U.S.-TURKEY RELATIONS

    US Department of State
    Oct 31 2011

    Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State

    Thank you. Thank you so much, and it is a great pleasure for me to be
    here this evening. I want to thank Ambassador Rich Armitage for that
    introduction and for his long service to our country. I also want to
    thank Tom Kennedy and Jim Holmes and everyone at the American-Turkish
    Council. I am delighted that our respective ambassadors are here,
    Ambassador Ricciardone and Ambassador Tan. And I am pleased to welcome
    Defense Minister Yilmaz. Thank you, sir, for being here.

    As has already been reported, Deputy Prime Minister Babacan could
    not make it because of plane trouble, but I was able to speak with
    him earlier today, and he extends his warmest greetings to all of
    you. And I will be seeing him when Im in Istanbul on Wednesday.

    Before I begin, I want to say, on behalf of President Obama and the
    American people, that our thoughts and prayers are with the families
    who have lost loved ones and their homes in the recent earthquake,
    also with the rescuers and with the people of Turkey, because of the
    scenes of heart-wrenching suffering, but also exhilaration, bravery,
    and compassion that lift the spirit: the tiny baby girl who was
    pulled alive after being trapped for 48 hours, then her mother and
    her grandmother being saved, and then a 13-year-old boy. These great
    testaments to the resilience of the human spirit were very touching
    to all of us.

    Now, sadly, the recent earthquake is not the only time we have grieved
    together. Less than two weeks ago, two dozen Turkish soldiers were
    killed in a vicious terrorist attack by the PKK. The United States
    stands with Turkey in the fight against violent extremism. And I
    was proud to join with Foreign Minister Davutoglu just last month
    to co-chair the new Global Counterterrorism Forum. That is just
    one example of the breadth and increasing sophistication of our
    partnership. I think President Obama set the tone when he addressed
    the Turkish parliament during his first foreign trip as President
    and underscored the importance of this relationship to both of our

    Now, I have to confess that some Americans, including quite a few
    on Capitol Hill, have questions about the future of this vital
    partnership. And they wonder about its durability and they wonder
    about the future role that Turkey will play in the region. And from
    what I have read, I know that there are many Turks who also have
    questions about our partnership. I think its the responsibility of
    the leadership of both of our countries to answer those questions. So
    I want to emphasize that the United States welcomes Turkeys growing
    role in the region and on the world stage. Now, we do not always see
    eye-to-eye. In fact, no two nations or two friends or even two members
    of the same family ever do. But we are confident that as Turkey
    assumes the responsibilities that come with increased influence,
    our partnership will become even more productive in the years ahead.

    Tonight, I want to focus on an aspect of our relationship that
    sometimes receives less attention but is increasingly central to
    our future together; that is, U.S.-Turkish economic ties and Turkeys
    growing economic leadership in the region. As I explained in a speech
    earlier this month in New York, the Obama Administration is elevating
    economic statecraft as a pillar of American foreign policy so we
    can continue to lead in a world where power is often exercised in
    boardrooms and on trading floors as much as in battle space.

    The context for this discussion is the remarkable growth that
    Turkey has experienced in recent years. The Turkish economy tripled
    in size over the past decade. More people found jobs, started
    businesses, bought homes. And when I talk with Turks, from students
    to entrepreneurs to government officials, I see a confidence and
    optimism and it is for a good reason. Turkey can be proud that it
    has become the 17th largest economy in the world, with ambitions to
    reach the top 10 in the coming years.

    This story sometimes called the Turkish Miracle is well known. But
    its strategic implications are perhaps less well understood. So I
    would like to make four points: first, that a strong U.S.-Turkey
    relationship has contributed to Turkish prosperity; that, in turn,
    Turkeys economic growth should further strengthen our partnership;
    that for Turkey to take full advantage of its new opportunities, it
    will have to consolidate democratic progress at home and peace and
    stability in its neighborhood; and finally, that Turkeys economic
    leadership can be a powerful force for progress across the region.

    First, the role of our alliance in supporting Turkeys prosperity.

    There is no doubt that the lions share of the credit rests with this
    generation and preceding generations of Turkish people whose talent,
    ingenuity, and hard work made it possible. Over the last decade,
    successive Turkish governments made important economic reforms
    that paid off. They opened the economy to foreign investment,
    curbed inflation, sought closer economic integration with Europe,
    and extended development beyond the major cities. These steps were
    crucial. But I would argue that a strong partnership with the United
    States also played a role.

    This starts with security, which, after all, is the foundation of
    stability and prosperity. Our work together in NATO has helped keep
    the shipping lanes of the Mediterranean open and safe. We faced
    down aggression in the Middle East. We helped bring stability and
    prosperity to the Balkans and Central Europe, allowing Turkey to
    establish profitable new trade and investment relationships.

    Our expanding cooperation on counterterrorism, our work together on
    21st century threats through the new NATO Strategic Concept, and the
    new missile defense radar that NATO will deploy are reminders of the
    continuing contributions that the alliance makes to Turkeys security
    and that Turkey makes to the security of the alliance.

    But its not just security. Its also access to a global economic system
    that is open, free, transparent, and fair one that the United States
    pioneered and continues to protect. Turkey has thrived in this system
    as a member of the G-20, which the Obama Administration has helped to
    elevate as the premier forum for international economic cooperation
    and for greater involvement in the global marketplace as well. In the
    long run, we believe that Turkey would enjoy even greater prosperity
    if it one day joins the European Union a step that the United States
    has consistently supported.

    My second point is that just as our alliance has contributed to Turkeys
    prosperity, that prosperity can in turn strengthen our alliance. For
    too long, our economic relationship has lagged behind our security
    partnership. But there is reason to hope that is starting to change. In
    the first eight months of this year alone, our bilateral trade grew
    by nearly 50 percent. Members of the American-Turkish Council, such
    as Boeing, Sikorsky, Raytheon, are doing more and more business in
    Turkey. That has benefited workers and consumers in both countries. But
    I believe we can do even better. With the help of those of you in
    this room, we can take this relationship to the next level and build
    a partnership for prosperity as durable and dynamic as our security

    That is why, under the leadership of President Obama and President Gul,
    we have intensified our diplomatic engagement, including through our
    joint Economic Partnership Commission, which brings together experts
    from across both governments to discuss everything from protecting
    intellectual property rights to boosting energy trade along the
    southern corridor, to positioning Istanbul as an international
    financial center. And I would applaud the recent signing by Prime
    Minister Erdogan and President Aliyev of Azerbaijan of a very important
    energy agreement. We are exploring the ways the United States can
    help Turkey take advantage of advanced bond and capital markets in
    a way that would have been impossible only five years ago.

    The Obama Administration also puts a premium on reaching beyond
    traditional diplomacy to engage directly with the private sector, civil
    society, and diaspora communities. We believe that these partnerships
    can help us leverage new energy, innovation, and resources. President
    Obama hosted the first Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Washington
    last year, and we are pleased that Prime Minister Erdogan will be
    hosting the second summit in Istanbul this December.

    And in fact, Vice President Biden will be representing our government
    there. The Global Entrepreneurship Program we launched last year
    is already working with the Turkish business community to train and
    support the next generation of entrepreneurs there.

    And we are pleased that, just last month, the new U.S.-Turkey Business
    Council held its first meeting. And on my last visit, in July,
    I met with the Istanbul chapter of Partners for a New Beginning,
    a public-private initiative that the United States helped launch
    to build new ties between businesses, NGOs, and communities. Under
    its auspices, the Coca-Cola Company, Cisco, the Istanbul Chamber
    of Commerce, and other partners are working with Turkish women
    entrepreneurs to provide new seed grants, training, and mentoring.

    Intel is promoting technology entrepreneurship at Turkish universities,
    and numerous other joint ventures are underway. The more Turkey grows,
    the more we can trade, build, and prosper together. And for Americans,
    eager to drive our own economic recovery, that is vitally important.

    The third point is that Turkeys ability to realize its full
    potential depends upon its resolve to strengthen democracy at home
    and promote peace and stability in the neighborhood. The ongoing
    constitutional reform process is a valuable opportunity, and Ive
    had very productive conversations with President Gul, Prime Minister
    Erdogan, Foreign Minister Davutoglu, and others about this process,
    about its inclusivity and transparency that results in a document
    that deepens respect for human rights for all Turkish citizens,
    including the right to speak and worship freely. All minority groups
    need to have their voices heard and their concerns addressed. I was
    particularly impressed by Prime Minister Erdogans statement during
    Ramadan that property would be returned to religious minority groups,
    and we also hope to see other positive steps, such as reopening of
    the Halki Seminary.

    A vibrant economy depends upon the free exchange of ideas, the free
    flow of information, and the rule of law. Strengthening due process,
    cracking down on corruption, helps any country grow more rapidly,
    and also protecting a free and independent media, which plays a role
    that is very important. And of course, true prosperity must be shared
    widely. And for me, that means that all of the strong and accomplished
    women leaders in government, business, and civil society in Turkey
    should be given the opportunity to fully participate, and, in turn,
    they, along with their male counterparts, should further empower all
    women that will be critical for Turkeys continued development. This
    requires, as we know from our own experience, unrelenting effort.

    Looking beyond Turkeys borders, there are concerns, and we have worked
    closely with our Turkish counterparts, because we know that Turkey has
    a unique opportunity in this time of great historic change, with the
    so-called Arab Awakening, to demonstrate the power of an inclusive
    democracy and responsible regional leadership. For example, we have
    worked closely with Turkey on supporting the central institutions of
    Iraq and helping to integrate Iraq economically into a larger region.

    Turkey has been vocal in its condemnation of President Asads brutal
    campaign of violence against its own people, and Syrian opposition
    groups have met and organized in Turkey. And Turkey has opened its arms
    and hearts to more than 7,000 Syrians who have found refuge across the
    border. The Turkish Government understands that the longer President
    Asad stays in power and oppresses his own people, the more the risk
    rises that Syria descends into chaos and conflict that threatens not
    only Syrian but those beyond its borders.

    The United States is also encouraged by the signs of progress between
    Turkey and Greece, including last years joint cabinet meeting and the
    establishment of a strategic cooperation council. But we have been
    concerned by the deterioration of relations between Turkey and Israel.

    We believe this relationship has served both countries well over the
    years, and it is positive that both governments have left the door
    open to reconciliation, and we continue to urge both countries to look
    for opportunities to put this important relationship back on track.

    We also are focused on Cyprus. All parties agree on the fundamental
    goal of achieving a lasting settlement on the island that results in a
    bi-zonal, bi-communal federation. The United States supports the UNs
    mediation on the Cyprus issue, and we believe that public rhetoric
    on all sides must be kept to a minimum to give the parties space
    needed to achieve a solution. And while we recognize the right of the
    Republic of Cyprus to explore for natural resources in its exclusive
    economic zone, including with the assistance of U.S. companies, we
    look forward to both sides benefiting from shared resources in the
    context of an overall agreement.

    Similarly, improving relations between Turkey and Armenia would be a
    positive step, and we hope that the Turkish parliament will ratify the
    protocols during its current session and normalize ties with Armenia.

    These festering conflicts hold back progress and development in the
    region. Reducing tensions with neighbors, increasing stability, is a
    recipe for expanded growth and influence. Turkeys leaders understand
    this, which is why they have been reaching out over the last years.

    But it does take bold choices and strong political will, not only on
    the part of Turkey, but on the part of all of the countries.

    Now, the final point I want to make and it is related is that we
    believe Turkeys economic leadership has the potential to support
    positive change far beyond Turkeys own borders or own neighborhood.

    Turkey sends more than a quarter of its exports to nations in the
    Middle East and North Africa. Its companies are, therefore, investing
    heavily across the region. Turkish businesses are helping to rebuild
    Iraq. They are one of the largest sources of foreign direct investment
    in Egypt. And Turkish planes have already resumed flights to Libya.

    Along with political change and reform must come economic reform in
    this region. To succeed, the Arab political awakening must also be
    an economic awakening.

    President Obama has outlined a comprehensive economic agenda to support
    the democratic transitions now underway, and Turkey is a valuable
    partner in this effort. We want to increase access for transitional
    democracies to U.S., European, and Turkish markets. We want to open
    the door for those countries that adopt high standards of reform and
    trade liberalization to construct a free, open, and integrated trade
    and investment area. Increasing trade would help diversify economies
    and create opportunities, particularly for young people.

    So for Turkey, with its investments across the region, the benefits
    of greater integration, economically and politically, are substantial,
    and its capacity to support this integration is likewise substantial.

    In fact, Turkeys growing influence is key to helping integrate and
    modernize the economies of the Middle East and North Africa. This
    vision is, we believe, what should be the hallmark of our partnership
    in the years ahead, because if we look at this important relationship
    through an economic lens, we see even more promise than we have seen
    in the past.

    In fact, we see Turkeys growing leadership holding great potential
    benefits yes, first and foremost for the people of Turkey, but then
    far beyond your borders. For the United States, this is reason for
    optimism. As I leave you here and set out again for Turkey, I am
    confident about the state of our alliance and the alignment of our
    interests, proud of what we have accomplished together, and hopeful
    for what we will achieve in the future together.

    I thank all of you for your commitment to this relationship. The
    banner behind me says 30 years, and 30 years has seen a great deal
    of change, not only inside both of our countries and between us,
    but in the world that we are now facing. And I am convinced that
    the work you are doing to bring our two nations closer together,
    to deal with the challenges and seize the opportunities before us,
    is absolutely essential, certainly for my country, for our security,
    for our future, and I believe also for Turkey.

    So thank you for welcoming me tonight, and I look forward to continuing
    to work with you. Thank you all very much. (Applause.)
