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Expert Board On Problems Of Javakhk

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  • Expert Board On Problems Of Javakhk

    Igor Muradyan News
    12:17:43 - 03/11/2011

    The positions of the United States and the European community on
    the problems of Javakheti, including communication with experts and
    policy makers of Western countries, leads to conclusions on efforts
    to ignore serious ethnic, political, social and economic problems in
    the South Caucasus.

    These experts and policy makers working for programs and orders of
    the U.S. administration and the Senate state that their evaluations
    and papers are left without attention on behalf of the political
    instances. At the same time, in the past few weeks new moods are
    felt in the West which are connected with great concern regarding
    the destiny of the ruling regime in Georgia.

    Trying to transform Georgia into a "key state" in the region
    in terms of military, political and communication projects, the
    Western politicians do not get response on behalf of the Georgian
    political government to proposals and initiatives besides meaningless

    There are convincing signs that the U.S. administration is already
    viewing Saakashvilis's political team as interim in the implementation
    of medium-term goals of the United States in Georgia. This relationship
    is supported by the relevant committees of the Senate and the
    House. Both liberal and rightist conservative analytic centers in the
    United States are warning the administration on the possible failure of
    the ruling regime in Georgia. In certain analytic and reconnaissance
    communities of the United States the idea of inadequate assistance
    and support to Georgia, the geopolitical and economic functions which
    this country must perform, has occurred. It is thought that increased
    attention paid to Georgia leads to unbalancing of the U.S. policy
    in the region, in the race of weapons and unjustified escalation
    of tensions.

    These ideas still do not influence the drafting of official documents
    and decision making but expectations are there and are intensifying.

    It is not ruled out that the U.S. policy on methods of ruling
    the Georgian government will have a more critical character which
    is indirectly confirmed by the failure of Saakashvili's visit to
    Washington and escalation of tensions in the U.S.-Georgian relations.

    At the same time, critical moods are intensifying in the European
    structures towards Georgia which may be expressed more tangibly. No
    doubt, it has a goal to ensure conditions for constant misinformation
    of the European Community. Therefore, the necessity occurs to create a
    public structure for constant monitoring of the public and political
    processes in South Georgia and development of qualified assessments,
    namely on the results of implementation of assumed programs and
    implementation of Georgia's commitments to the European Community.

    Now this public structure - the Expert Board on the problems of Javakhk
    (Samtskhe Javakheti) with five long-term experts in Armenia and one
    invited expert from Javakheti. In its activities, it is necessary to
    involve experts from Georgia, the European community and the United
    States. People who are well-aware of the problems of Javakheti by
    virtue of their professional experience could be permanent members of
    the Council. The activities of the Council must be aimed at getting
    information, evaluation of events and development of proposals. On
    the basis of the results it will be possible to come up with definite
    initiatives on the European and international arena, as well as
    conduct a meaningful propaganda.

    It should be taken into account that so far no structure in Armenia has
    implemented this goal in the necessary format. The Armenian society
    still lacks objective information on the situation in Javakhk,
    other regions of South Georgia. Besides, the Armenian lobby in
    the United States and the European community could organize their
    activities more effectively if there were worked out materials and
    proposals. Considering the intention of the government to create an
    Institute of Political Studies, it is expedient to agree the activities
    of the institute with the activities of the expert board.

    However, it will be expedient that the Council organizes its activities
    independently, otherwise the meaning of this structure as a public
    initiative will be lost.

    This initiative needs the support of the government and political
    parties. (In addition, it is necessary to understand that joint work of
    experts is required rather than politicians or civil society activists
    who who refer to themselves as experts.)
