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BAKU: Political Analyst: Azerbaijan May Put Forward An Initiative To

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  • BAKU: Political Analyst: Azerbaijan May Put Forward An Initiative To

    Nov 2 2011

    APA's interview with political analyst Farhad Mammadov.

    - Beginning from 2012, Azerbaijan will be directly involved in
    adoption of important decisions at the UN Security Council in two
    years. Azerbaijan is a country, which tries to strengthen its position
    at the international arena. What do you think will membership at the
    UN Security Council be effective for Azerbaijan?

    - It will depend on the skills of our diplomacy. I think they will
    do it. The question is that the mission at the Security Council has a
    number of difficult tasks, including the solution of peace and security
    problems in the world. Azerbaijan is neighboring with Russia in north
    and with Iran in south. Of course, we have to take different regional
    and global interests into consideration. For example, the problem
    of Syria can be raised at the Security Council. There are forces
    pressing for it, first of all, the West. But there are countries,
    which don't desire it, for example Russia, Iran and others....

    - By the way, during the elections to the UN Security Council, a
    Western diplomat told foreign newspapers that they fear that the new
    members like Azerbaijan will not support the West in the questions
    of Iran and Syria. What do you think is it possible to derive benefit
    from such situation?

    - Yes, it is possible. The question is that you become a player there.

    The UN Security Council adopts decisions with majority of 9 votes of
    15. But five permanent members have the right of veto. If, for example,
    Russia uses the right of veto in the issue of sanctions against Iran,
    the vote of Azerbaijan will not be significant. If Russia doesn't
    use the right of veto, in that case, Azerbaijan's position will
    be decisive. The important side of this issue for us is that some
    countries will try to establish good relations with Azerbaijan due
    to its representation at the UN Security Council.

    - As Azerbaijan was elected to the UN Security Council, many in Baku
    began to view this issue from the prism of its possible impact on the
    solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict because this issue is the most
    important nationwide issue for Azerbaijan. Could the UN play any role
    in moving the Nagorno Karabakh issue from deadlock?

    - First of all I would like to note that during the 24 months of
    Azerbaijan's representation at the Security Council, the chairmanship
    will be handed over to us for two times. Every chairmanship will
    continue for one month. But the chairing country doesn't determine the
    agenda independently. It puts proposals and recommendations to vote
    in order to include them in agenda, which is composed after the voting.

    If Azerbaijan puts forward an initiative that "Armenia is an invader
    and lets recognize it", veto will be put by such countries like
    Russia and France. Thus it will be impossible to include this issue
    in agenda. These countries will not support including of Karabakh
    issue in agenda and will say that it is under the mandate of the OSCE
    Minsk Group. But what can Azerbaijan do? Azerbaijan can include the
    examination of fulfillment of UN Security Council's four resolutions
    on Karabakh in agenda. Thus it is possible to put forward an initiative
    to examine the fulfillment of these four resolutions. But be confident,
    they will not recognize Armenia as an invader country.

    Just remember Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act which is still
    in force. It must be considered that Armenia is a second country
    after Israel for per capita US financial aid. It reflects America's
    position. But anyway, Azerbaijan can raise a question on the reason
    of non-fulfillment of 4 resolutions. The Armenians hope that this
    issue will be dropped from the international agenda and consequently
    the occupation will be legalized. Azerbaijan can prevent it in the
    tribune of the Security Council.

    - Are there countries which can be a partner and ally of Azerbaijan
    during the discussion of issues related to Azerbaijan in the Security

    United Kingdom is one of the prestigious members of the Council.

    Britain has wide relations with Azerbaijan and the British companies
    invest many capitals to Azerbaijan. The United Kingdom has deep
    interests in Azerbaijan and Caspian Sea region. Besides, Pakistan is
    also a member of the Security Council and this country has allied
    relations with our country. A potential partner and ally issues
    will depend on the ability of our diplomacy. Azerbaijan's image,
    geographical positions, resources, successes in various spheres extends
    our country's "background" list and has direct impact on its political
    position in the world.

    From: A. Papazian