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BAKU: Members Of Russian State Duma Assess Azerbaijan's Membership T

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  • BAKU: Members Of Russian State Duma Assess Azerbaijan's Membership T

    Nov 2 2011

    Alexei Ostrovsky: "The new status of Azerbaijan at the United Nations
    will have an impact on the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict"

    "UN's confidence in Azerbaijan is a value giving by the international
    organization to the achievements of Azerbaijan in recent years",
    chairman of the Russian State Duma's committee on CIS issues, MP Alexei
    Ostrovsky said, APA correspondent reports from Moscow. "I consider
    that Ilham Aliyev worthily follows the foreign policy course started
    by Heydar Aliyev. I welcome the independent position of Azerbaijan and
    personally Ilham Aliyev. His policy is not based on the position of
    the West, more exactly, economic partners, but dictates the interests
    of Azerbaijani people. The new status at the United Nations will
    contribute to the strengthening of Azerbaijan's independence".

    The committee chairman said Russia and Azerbaijan are strategic
    partners. "It is seen in both personal relations between the presidents
    and all instances of the two countries. We don't divide the regional
    countries to the friends and enemies. We have same attitude toward
    Azerbaijan and Armenia. We advocate for peaceful solution of the
    problem. I consider that the new status of Azerbaijan at the United
    Nations will have an impact on the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh

    Member of the State Duma of Russia from the Communist Party Anatoly
    Lokot said that his country's support to Azerbaijan's candidacy
    to the non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council was an
    important political step: "It show's Russia's goodwill. I believe
    that Azerbaijan will appreciate this friendly support. Russia is a
    strategic country for Azerbaijan. There are many things tied us. We
    mustn't forget that many Russians and Russian-speaking population are
    living in Azerbaijan. The relations with the South Caucasus have great
    significance for Russia. Though several western countries wanted to
    interrupt our relations, their attempts failed".

    "I assess Azerbaijan's election as the non-permanent member to the UN
    Security Council as an estimation given by the world community and
    Russia to the positive changes observed in Azerbaijan", said Deputy
    Chairman of the State Duma's Security Committee Vladimir Kolesnikov.

    According to him, it is an estimation given to democratization
    process in Azerbaijani society, level of society and human security:
    "At first, as a person who has visited Azerbaijan many times, I can
    say that one can leave this country with pleasant impressions. I wish
    the achieved successes to develop Azerbaijan yet more".

    Kolesnikov said that the justice would win in the settlement of
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict: "I wish the law to win in the settlement
    of this conflict, the settlement process to be based on law".
