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Hovik Abrahamyan Says He Learnt About His Resignation 15 Days Before

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  • Hovik Abrahamyan Says He Learnt About His Resignation 15 Days Before


    17:16, 2 November, 2011

    Chairman of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan had a briefing
    today with reporters.

    Q: Have you reached your goal of increase of parliament~Rs role?

    Hovik Abrahamyan: I think I am not the one to assess it. I think yes.

    At least we managed to make it an arena of multiple opinions. The
    doors were open for all - the public, political, student circles,
    schools. People managed to form an idea about parliament in practice
    and as to me, it was a very important step. We tried to make the
    National Assembly available for all the clusters.

    Q: Do you know who will replace you?

    Hovik Abrahamyan: It is not correct to discuss such issue as I have
    not submitted my resignation application yet. I must present it at
    the sitting of the National Assembly, November 14. In five days the
    resignation will enter into force and from November 21 we will be
    able to discuss the issue of the new candidate.

    Q: Whom do you see in this office?

    Hovik Abrahamyan: Worthy people always exist, we will find.

    Q: In what office do you see yourself after elections.

    Hovik Abrahamyan: I am sure it will be a good office.

    Q: Are there more in-depth reasons of your resignation?

    Hovik Abrahamyan: There is no in-depth reason, I assure you and again
    reiterate my resignation will not change anything.

    Q: Is it possible that you will assume the office of prime minister
    after elections?

    Hovik Abrahamyan: I do not want to exclude anything, but there was
    no such discussion. I would advice the reporters not exclude anything.

    For instance who would think that I will resign? You have probably
    discussed all the resignations but not mine.

    Q: Did you know about it? Wasn~Rt it a surprise for you?

    Hovik Abrahamyan: I have learnt about it 15 days before. Only me and
    the president knew about it.

    Q: How do you explain the current staff changes?

    Hovik Abrahamyan: You know that the two Karen Karapetyans resigned
    on their own. I do not know the reasons.

    Q: Will you put down your mandate?

    Hovik Abrahamyan: I will be a parliamentarian. I headed the headquarter
    in 2007-2008, I have not even preserved my office. I have headed
    the headquarter and we won at the parliamentary and presidential
    elections. After it I became head of staff and I have never thought
    I would become chairman of the National Assembly.

    Nothing must be excluded. I promise I will intensively work with you
    in the headquarter.
